Collect all drivers and way to go abit!
Beverly Hills, Michigan Member
With my recent discovery of the old news that Abit has not only closed their doors, but stopped hosting drivers, bios, manuals, etc. (at least not in an organized manner), I am preparing for the future when I have to do a reinstallation. I have an AB9 Pro running on Vista 64. I'd love to be able to automatically collect all of the current drivers that i'm using (some kind of app?)... anybody know of something that does this?
Also, if someone wants to throw me a sweet link to ab9 pro drivers (xp 32 and vista 64), that'd be pretty cool.
Thank you!
Also, if someone wants to throw me a sweet link to ab9 pro drivers (xp 32 and vista 64), that'd be pretty cool.
Thank you!
thanks for the link