Dec. Update discussion: Demoman Nerf, Spy and Engie buff

SO can we discuss the most recent demo nerf? and the Engie and Spy buffs?
I'm loving the spy update, but I don't play the other two nearly as much. They seem to be nice small additions (and nerfs) that make the game a little more balanced, but overall it doesn't really stop demo spamming just stops them from loading down a point and never having to directly stop your progress.
I'm loving the spy update, but I don't play the other two nearly as much. They seem to be nice small additions (and nerfs) that make the game a little more balanced, but overall it doesn't really stop demo spamming just stops them from loading down a point and never having to directly stop your progress.
One thing I would like to see is an indicator that someone is destroying your stickies, sort of like the engineer—when his buildings are being damaged, he knows. It would be nice if the demo knew his stickies were being destroyed.
I just KNOW that's what you'll do with them, you sneaky, sneaky man.
Nukes would be swt.
1 might give the sentry increased range, 2 might give it more fire-power, 3 might give it faster response time, and 4 might give it more hitpoints.
After two upgrades, your sequence of choices could create a sentry which is one of sixteen possible designs, and the enemy doesn't know which one it is before they encounter it.
You upgrade a level one dispenser, and 1 might give it increased range, 2 might give it faster recharge, 3 might give it faster output, and 4 might, again, give more hitpoints.
Making the right decisions with the dispenser could seriously help your team in some situations.
The same could be done for tele, but I'm having trouble thinking of what kind of options you could give them.
I like this. Adds a little complexity to the general sit and build. You need to know how the sentry will be used. Is it gonna be used to protect a long hallway? Then give it some added range. Gonna have a heavy sit on your dispenser? Give it some faster/larger health and ammo output.
A more elaborate sign of stickies being destroyed would be nice.
Haven't played much since the patch (damn finals, plus got pretty sick of tf2 recently) so I don't know how the spy change has affected things, but it sounds like it should allow a spy to hammer the enemy team more frequently.
The engy buildings being upgradeable just makes sense in my opinion. I'd be surprised if they went with CB's cool idea of branching, just for the complexity it adds to balancing.
I really think the demo's stickies should blow up when you shoot them. First it makes sense, you shoot something that blows up, it should blow up. Also this would still make the demo's stickies useful against engineers. They can't just shoot your stickies before you hit the RMB.
All in all I'm pretty happy with the updates. I have started playing spy more, and would like to play the game in general more *sigh*