I'm not too sure... i bailed out about a month ago. we were doing really well before that... in LEG NW - alliance rank 2 and we had 7 chiefs i think at one point. Then lambo had to leave due to lack of time. I kept on for about a week then i called it a day... i was spending a couple hours a day raiding alone - i was down about 4 hours of sleep a night. When i left ARRSE weren't doing too well and LEG were on top of the world so im not sure what'll happen.
Not sure i'll be playing next round though, i've become really busy with rugby and other things and i love my bed too much to spend hours a day on a fictional world, although i may pop back to the forums once in a while to catch up... so hows everyone?
Yeah, we packed it in over a month ago, just got a bit too much for just the two of us- I got a job and kinda burned-out after Tom was on holiday for a week, we just weren't doing it justice. Was good while it lasted: top 60 attacker / raider, #1 Alliance and like Tom says, enough chiefs to be top 50 player, had we pulled it off! Went out with a bang though, took out a few decent armies then deleted.
ARRSE never really got it together this time, most of their top players jumped ship to LEG or joined an alliance NAPPED with LEG. It's the whole server vs LEG at the moment, LEG have 10 of the top 20 Alliances (I've kept an account running (pop: 10) to see who wins etc).
I assume everyone else has thoroughly kicked the habbit? You'd be proud to see the ex-IC profiles, all swearing undying loyalty to the old crew. Had a couple of people asking after you and Q too, the account was named Icrontic and the Villages were:
[1]QCH2002 (offence)
{1}TBonZ (15 cropper capital - Lvl 13+ fields)
[2]SillyViking (offence)
[3]Duchess (offence)
[4]SuperMel (she nagged till she got one named after her)
etc, with Keebler as the hero
I still hold out a slight hope for an {IC} Multi for next round, if we'd had couple more people checking in for 20mins a day, we could have been top 10, if not #1 :bigggrin:
So what's new with you good sir?! Never see you on msn these days!
Hey guys! Hope Christmas has been treating you well.
Sounds like you guys were having fun while it lasted and what a sweet tribute to those of us taking this server off!!
I still get the itch to play and do miss the game. I think I will be starting a new account in the new year when the next game starts. Hopefully a few a few people will join me. Let us know when it's over.
Not much is new, job still keeping me busy and all that. How about you Lambo?
Just to clarify the ARRSE parts, on their behalf...
Most of their leaders/bigger players did the same as us and took this server off (with a few playing part-time for fun). As a result the leadership was taken on by a buffoon name Liambob (who has sinced been renamed Lamebob, LiamBlob, Liamknob, Blobby - plus a few others too explicit for here) who, despite plenty of advice from experienced players, proceeded to recruit, CP & NAP with a bunch of farms. A few ARRSErs left to form their own 'fun' alliance (called GHSC - Guiding Hand Social Club) with a view to distancing themselves from the laughing stock and, basically, playing their own game with no WW aspirations etc. Over the weeks many more ARRSErs have joined them, due to being sickened over Blobs actions, leaving a few behind, who stay out of pure loyalty to the name (yet hate what is happening there). GHSC do have a CP with L E G, due to their disinclination to be involved in the end game and Promicins respect for the people therein.
Meanwhile, Blob has managed to get ARRSE allied with Tullia (and a big chunk of other ONE tossers) AND the russians (KINO).
I still keep in touch with the ARRSE people and they will be back, properly, for the next server.
I intend to play & hope to see plenty of you lot back too - IC rocks
i hope to be back under the IC banner as this server isnt any comparison with the last server.
playing under the name of ****** this time round to hide any embarrasment i may have caused IC.
doing slighly better than last server though as i managed 12 villas so far compared to 6 or 7 last time out.
hopefully theres a place for me in IC without the politics of this time round
The next ukx will restart a week after this shitty round finishes. (Such a short time!)
I only played briefly at the start of the server, leading the "ONE tossers" alliance tehe, until i got fed up of alliance politics. I'm now travian staff, as Support for ukx, with my account only active to answer the messages, but I sit for Manik Cookies (top 20) also, (Invisible Kid in ONE & duals). I'll be upgraded to multihunter when i'm 18.
LEG 'own' 3/4 of the map. And there are no alliances than could stand up to them. KINO don't have the power to over-throw 20+ wings. The alliance i used to lead, now named QCB are at war with LEG, and have had no major losses, which is suprising.
The server has been dull for everyone!
I've seen quite a few IC names thrown around, in LEG and ARRSE
But next server should be some good fun!
Oh & keep watching www.travian.org, Travian Version 4 will be beta tested there in the next few weeks/months
I've been missing the old IC crew, kicking ass and showing class; It saddens me that I cant join in again for a while. I've got college and no money, so its not going to be a good thing for me to try, methinks. I'll let you guys know when I CAN play though, if you are all still interested in it :P
I thought i would never want to come back to Travian again because of the boredom of the end-game. But I'm back, and I want to play again. I'd love to see the old IC crew get back together.
I'll be playing a little, mostly in afternoons/evenings (UK time) and I'll be registering a little later, so I dont get stuck in the middle with all the hardcores. I shall be downloading Skype soon. Be sure to invite me to the channel :P
It's ok though we should still be fine. I will be in Atlanta on a business trip all this week, but I will still be able to sign on at night between like 6:30 PM and 11PM. I hope that doesn't conflict with any of your times.
My times mainly depend on my uni timetable tbh, which is pretty irregular.
But we've got almost all the quests out the way, the all to level 1 quest which we're on is the annoying one, after that we'll be fine.
A few troops definitely expected for tomorrow
Not sure i'll be playing next round though, i've become really busy with rugby and other things and i love my bed too much to spend hours a day on a fictional world, although i may pop back to the forums once in a while to catch up... so hows everyone?
Yeah, we packed it in over a month ago, just got a bit too much for just the two of us- I got a job and kinda burned-out after Tom was on holiday for a week, we just weren't doing it justice. Was good while it lasted: top 60 attacker / raider, #1 Alliance and like Tom says, enough chiefs to be top 50 player, had we pulled it off! Went out with a bang though, took out a few decent armies then deleted.
ARRSE never really got it together this time, most of their top players jumped ship to LEG or joined an alliance NAPPED with LEG. It's the whole server vs LEG at the moment, LEG have 10 of the top 20 Alliances (I've kept an account running (pop: 10) to see who wins etc).
I assume everyone else has thoroughly kicked the habbit? You'd be proud to see the ex-IC profiles, all swearing undying loyalty to the old crew. Had a couple of people asking after you and Q too, the account was named Icrontic and the Villages were:
[1]QCH2002 (offence)
{1}TBonZ (15 cropper capital - Lvl 13+ fields)
[2]SillyViking (offence)
[3]Duchess (offence)
[4]SuperMel (she nagged till she got one named after her)
etc, with Keebler as the hero
I still hold out a slight hope for an {IC} Multi for next round, if we'd had couple more people checking in for 20mins a day, we could have been top 10, if not #1 :bigggrin:
So what's new with you good sir?! Never see you on msn these days!
Sounds like you guys were having fun while it lasted and what a sweet tribute to those of us taking this server off!!
I still get the itch to play and do miss the game. I think I will be starting a new account in the new year when the next game starts. Hopefully a few a few people will join me. Let us know when it's over.
Not much is new, job still keeping me busy and all that. How about you Lambo?
Hello TBonZ,
in this message you'll find a link you can use to transfer your remaining assets
of 55 Gold to another account.
To do so click the following link and follow the steps as described:
Choose a game world and enter the necessary account information to transfer the
assets to another account.
Best regards,
Your PlusSupport
Just to clarify the ARRSE parts, on their behalf...
Most of their leaders/bigger players did the same as us and took this server off (with a few playing part-time for fun). As a result the leadership was taken on by a buffoon name Liambob (who has sinced been renamed Lamebob, LiamBlob, Liamknob, Blobby - plus a few others too explicit for here) who, despite plenty of advice from experienced players, proceeded to recruit, CP & NAP with a bunch of farms. A few ARRSErs left to form their own 'fun' alliance (called GHSC - Guiding Hand Social Club) with a view to distancing themselves from the laughing stock and, basically, playing their own game with no WW aspirations etc. Over the weeks many more ARRSErs have joined them, due to being sickened over Blobs actions, leaving a few behind, who stay out of pure loyalty to the name (yet hate what is happening there). GHSC do have a CP with L E G, due to their disinclination to be involved in the end game and Promicins respect for the people therein.
Meanwhile, Blob has managed to get ARRSE allied with Tullia (and a big chunk of other ONE tossers) AND the russians (KINO).
I still keep in touch with the ARRSE people and they will be back, properly, for the next server.
I intend to play & hope to see plenty of you lot back too - IC rocks
Happy New Year to you all
playing under the name of ****** this time round to hide any embarrasment i may have caused IC.
doing slighly better than last server though as i managed 12 villas so far compared to 6 or 7 last time out.
hopefully theres a place for me in IC without the politics of this time round
see you all at end of feb i hope
What is with the end of Feb? The server shouldn't last this long?!
Natars are due out any day now... will let you know when they do.
Are you still coming back?? (please say yes :P)
Happy New Year to you as well!
so should be mid to late feb before we are all up and running and embassy is in place.
i hope its late feb i want some shut eye in the coming weeks
I only played briefly at the start of the server, leading the "ONE tossers" alliance tehe, until i got fed up of alliance politics. I'm now travian staff, as Support for ukx, with my account only active to answer the messages, but I sit for Manik Cookies (top 20) also, (Invisible Kid in ONE & duals). I'll be upgraded to multihunter when i'm 18.
LEG 'own' 3/4 of the map. And there are no alliances than could stand up to them. KINO don't have the power to over-throw 20+ wings. The alliance i used to lead, now named QCB are at war with LEG, and have had no major losses, which is suprising.
The server has been dull for everyone!
I've seen quite a few IC names thrown around, in LEG and ARRSE
But next server should be some good fun!
Oh & keep watching www.travian.org, Travian Version 4 will be beta tested there in the next few weeks/months
I've been missing the old IC crew, kicking ass and showing class; It saddens me that I cant join in again for a while. I've got college and no money, so its not going to be a good thing for me to try, methinks. I'll let you guys know when I CAN play though, if you are all still interested in it :P
Also, what would it take to get you to play one more time? I think this will be my final trav server.
We need another core IC-crew account!
Keebler, for old times sake! Q, it just wouldn't be the same without you! BuddyJ, you've just gotta scratch that itch!
It'd be the ultimate account account of IC-travian-awesomeness
3 times the fun, 1/3 of the time consumptiveness! How can you refuse
I'll be playing a little, mostly in afternoons/evenings (UK time) and I'll be registering a little later, so I dont get stuck in the middle with all the hardcores. I shall be downloading Skype soon. Be sure to invite me to the channel :P
If he did I'd have a few hours' extra resources from production to use.
...damn, lol
EDIT: it's ok, found a solution.
We're at -38,42 (and there's a 75% wheat 15c at -41,40
It's ok though we should still be fine. I will be in Atlanta on a business trip all this week, but I will still be able to sign on at night between like 6:30 PM and 11PM. I hope that doesn't conflict with any of your times.
But we've got almost all the quests out the way, the all to level 1 quest which we're on is the annoying one, after that we'll be fine.
A few troops definitely expected for tomorrow