NF7-S v2.0 new bios released! release 2.1 for NF7 / NF7-S 2.0
Release information:
1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With
incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to
IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in
this BIOS package.
2. Add fan speed monitor support in the nVidia System Utility.
3. Update SATA BIOS to version 4.2.43.
4. BIOS compile date: 12/01/2003.
Could someone tell me what I will need to know about the bios..
Wont be using the sata. Ill most likely flash the bios (depending what it ships with) right after installation.
From what I have gathered, dont install the nf drivers till after windows xp and SP 1 are installed?
Other tips and tid bits would be welcomed to make the installation go as smooth as possible. Here is what the system will look like when completed.
Antec 860 case with 300w psu (i know its getting a new psu when I got the fundage)
Abit NF7-s
2500+ barton
512 corsair xms 2700 LL ( still debating single 512 vs. dual 256's thrax says the difference in performance is not noticable)
Onboard sound storm sound
Onboard Lan
creative 56k pci modem for faxing
1 Maxtor 15 gig drive (os)
1 Maxtor 40 gig drive (storage)
1 16x creative DVD
1 8x HP burner
ATI Radeon 8500LE
Id like this thing to work right outta the box. Suggestions on setting up the bios and other tips welcome..
Yes, it's easiest to install SP1 before the nForce drivers, simply to save you having to then go back and manually install the USB drivers which aren't setup properly unless SP1 is installed.
You should flash to the latest BIOS revision before you install Windows.
nForce drivers
My wireless NIC
SP du jour
any remaining updates
Rebooting EVERY time it tells you to.
Okay, got back to Manchester, no broadband, slapped in an old 56K, downloaded and flashed ABIT official BIOS 21, with the new and reportedly mis-behaving SATA BIOS, with no problems what so ever. Flash went smoothly, booted into Windows first time, powered off, restarted everything loads great.
I flashed using the recommended "/py /sn /cd /cp /cc /cks /r" specifiers.
Using v1.0.0.40 SATA drivers, stock CPU and FSB speeds. (RAID 0 2 boot)
AFAIK, mostly users of Raptors Raid-0 are having problems with a black screen unable to load windows.
btw: they just released new bios v.22 via FlashMenu v1.32 only!
They are releasing bios upgrades all the time.
I am still running bios 18, I was going to upgrade.
But then I read about the issues with bios 21.
I am not using sata raid though.
Flashed to v.22, with again no problems. Haven't stressed it yet but all seems well. I've saved and attached v.22 for all to have and use. v.22 incase any of you were wondering still comes with the SATA BIOS 4.2.43.
They must have a time machine.
Or did someone make a typo?
I found this ...
Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
First release for NF7-V. Nothing is changed for NF7 and NF7-S.
BIOS compile date: 12/24/2003.
WTF is NF7-V?
Honestly I think I'll skip this bios looks like a joke.
Maybe it's their sort of christmas present?
According to Abit we now have:
I have never seen a NF7-V?
I think they were partying when they made that bios.