Windows 2003 server help

jaredjared College Station, TX Icrontian
edited December 2008 in Hardware
Alright guys I need some help here. Things just keep going from bad to worse.

One of the businesses I provide support for is in a bit of a crisis.

They have a Windows 2003 server. There is RAID 1 in the server with an old highpoint IDE card.

At the beginning of the week one of the drives decided to go tits up and fail.

I replaced this drive this afternoon, duplicated it over, rebuilt yada yada.

Everything from the RAID standpoint seems to be OK now.

However, Windows 2003 is now deciding to fail.

When I try to boot the machine, it loads the Win loading screen and then eventually freaks out and reboots.

Upon trying safe mode, I seem to have found the problem. It freezes while trying to load AppPatch\drvmain.sdb

I did a little Googling and results suggest it has something to do with the boot sector (or something in that area). I figured that was pretty believable since I had just fixed the raid - maybe windows was freaking out.

The suggestions I read we to go into recovery console and try "fixboot" and "fixmbr" - and if that fails a repair installation might be necessary.

I popped in the Win2k3 CD, booted, and tried to go into the recovery console.

Everytime I try to load the recovery console it sticks on
"Examining XXXXX mb Disk 0 at IDE 1 on bus 1 on hpt3xx..."

So what are my options here.? This damn array and install has been nothing short of a pain in the ass. Does it locking up in the recovery console mean the install is really *that* bork'd? Should I try a repair install?

I was able to get all the critcal files off of the working HD before I dug in. However, this is a point of sale server so I'd really like to not have to (remember how to) re-setup credit card processing, wire services, receipt printers, serial modems, POS server config, and all that jazz.

So I'm all ears for suggestions. Windows still appears to be on the drive its just something with this install/array is gone crazy.

cheers :jared:


  • jaredjared College Station, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Ugg, so after waiting it out for about 20 mins it finally finished examining the drive.

    Now it pops into the recovery console. Asks to choose a windows installation (there is only 1).

    I press one, hit enter - stops. hangs. nada. nothing.

    Any ideas? Repair install looks like it might be around the corner if I can't even get the recovery console to successfully load the installation :(
  • SonorousSonorous F@H Fanatic US Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    I have had a similar problem with xp. In my case, I needed to fix the MBR. I was unable to do this via the Windows XP boot cd and recovery console, I had to use a Windows 2000 pro cd just to format the MBR. Have you tried a different disk? I will admit that I am unsure whether this will work or not because I don't know if a MBR for 2003 server is the same as XP or any other NT based OS. Worth a shot though.
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