Will an XP 3000+ overclock better than a 2500+?
I've currently got an XP 2500+ barton that i overclock to 2800 speeds by changing the multiplier from 11 to 12.5. I've tried overclocking the fsb as well but it ends up being a little slower in the end than just doing the multiplier. So my question is if i get an XP 3000+ how high will i be able to take it just by changing the multipier. Part of me is afraid that i'll essentially be getting a similar chip as my 2500 barton it will just come clocked with a 13.5 multiplier or something therefore not giving me any room for improvement without adjusting the FSB.
The tradeoff being that you need a good mobo and memory, but if you're considering overclocking, you should have both of those requisites anyhow.
A 3000 does not overclock any better than a 2500, 2800, or 3200.