Here's the thing, we're all relatively low level still. It'll be a while before we "need" something. At this point, I would say "just play whatever you'll have fun with" and we'll make it work. The only class that isn't represented in that list up there is Warlock. We're weak on the magic side.
Here's the thing, we're all relatively low level still. It'll be a while before we "need" something. At this point, I would say "just play whatever you'll have fun with" and we'll make it work. The only class that isn't represented in that list up there is Warlock. We're weak on the magic side.
Agreed Prime, roll whatever you feel like rolling, we'll make it work. If you are desperate for a class suggestion, ranged dps seems to be somewhat lacking at the moment.
I need to get a new headset sometime this week; probably won't be talking on TS (listening though). Ran the old one over with my computer chair last night. oops.
Guys, we can have some redundancy in class/spec (in fact its kind of nice). It will be a while before we really need to worry about coordinated specs anyways.
I accidentally bought the game last night, I'm not sure what came over me. After I'm finished downloading these patches next month, who do I bug to sign the heralded charter?
Screw Warlock. Delete Falena my lvl 10 warlock. I re-rolled as a Shaman. I'll probably level up as Enhance but switch over to Resto endgame. Jimmeh can handle teh soulstones.
Eggie teh Orc Shaman. Level 14.
I think this is the first MMORPG where I did not make a super hot sexy little character. Instead I opted for a manly gruff looking guy. Feels weird that I can't whore myself out for some gold or runs or whatever.
That said,
Kaitolainen = Tauren Druid
Nicea = Tauren Shaman
Prag = Tauren Warrior
Fatcat = Blood Elf Mage
Caballeros = Tauren Hunter
Kyly = Blood Elf Hunter
Flixpinger = Death Knight
Nekromantis = Undead Rogue
Amorisse = Blood Elf Rogue
Healinspre = I forget Priest
No, wish I was, but no. BElf rogue.
If you wish you were, why aren't you? You're not that far in.
Because going through the first 18 levels again will make me murder myself.
I am lvl 59 almost 60...
Sounds like me
Been so lonely over here, prime had to do something to get me over to his continent to sign the Guild, then I was back home in Silvermoon.
My name's Mr. T, and I'm a Night Elf Mohawk. What's YOUR game?
Pompoms = Tauren Shaman
Gimmeana = Tauren Druid
He's on a trial account as well, but will start paying monthly soon (he's using that 2x boost thing).
Nights, we'll get your brother and friend in the guild when their accounts go live and you catch us online. Prime, Piggy, and I can all send invites.
$40 for WoW & Burning Crusade expansion, Look for the Battle Chest edition.
$80 for WoW + Burning Crusade + Wrath of the Lich King
$15/month after your first 30 days.
name is: Despe
So yea, we got no mages right now.
You guys are focused so tightly on endgame specs, you're playing Excel Spreadsheet instead of World of Warcraft
Eggie teh Orc Shaman. Level 14.
I think this is the first MMORPG where I did not make a super hot sexy little character. Instead I opted for a manly gruff looking guy. Feels weird that I can't whore myself out for some gold or runs or whatever.