PC won't start
I went to my PC. It had no internet so I rebooted it. This usually fixs it. It got to the windows log in screen and the Aye shutdown box popped up saying the PC was shutting down. (Aye shutdown is a prog that shuts the PC down at midnight) The clock in the task bar said it was midnight though it was around 10pm and the clock was correct earlier in the day. Now when I try to reboot it gets to the xp screen with the blue bar then the screen goes black and nothing more happens. I have started in safe mode and reset the time and stopped Aye shutdown from loading. It will only start in safe mode. Last known good config won't start and system restore won't run. In anything other than safe mode it goes to a blck screen and sits there.
Help guys, what can I try?
Help guys, what can I try?
chkdsk C: /f /x /r
for Drive C:
What do you mean nothing happens? After doing those settings it should say that it couldn't do it under windows, would you like to shedule a check on the next boot.
Thanks for your help.
Might be time for a drive fitness check...
See you tomorrow guys.
Shortcuts - http://www.disk-utility.com/hard-disk-low-level-format.html
What can I do?
Spinner, You live local, eh? mate?
(just noticed that peoples locations have dissapeared)
You need only boot to a win98 floppy, then navigate to your CDROM, go into the I386 directory on the cd-rom and run either install.exe or setup.exe.
It's one of the few working EXEs in the folder; if I'm wrong on either of those names, just find an exe along those lines and launch it.. It's the DOS launcher for the XP install.
Or you could get the XP boot disks.
Boot CD's or Floppys are the only way (Flash drives sometimes work depending on the motherboard). Do you have any boot disc/ks that you know actually work?
Disconnect it, and disable the FDD controller in the BIOS, see what windows thinks about that.
Whilst you're at it, make sure the BIOS time isn't off by more than a few minutes (3...) from where you first set it. If it is, try putting a BIOS battery into it from another computer. See what Windows thinks about that too.
It looks like I now have a chance as I'm reinstalling the OS now. Thanks to all for your help and special thanks to Enverex and Neo, uk for their extra assistance. What a place.
Thanks guys.
Good luck matey, call if you need!
Many thanks to you all for your help, I wish I knew more than I do so I could be more help around here but thank God those of you that do share your knowledge so readily and freely.
Thanks S-M, you rock.
What model HPT is it?? 370/372 series?