Ack, I can only imagine how bad Apple ads are going to get if they start using them in the West Wing. I'm sure Snark's already preparing the noose for that.
It looks like the White House and governments are just up to speed as many companies. Sometimes they just get by with what they can because no one is willing or qualified to do a true business usage review of the technology used within the office.
According to Gibbs, Obama will be able to keep his BlackBerry, though only a limited number of senior staff and personal contacts will have access to his email address, and the data on the handheld will be subject to the Presidential Records Act. There was no mention of the NSA or the Sectera Edge, though he does mention some enhanced security. In Gibbs' words:
"The President has a BlackBerry through a compromise that allows him to stay in touch with senior staff and a small group of personal friends in a way that use will be limited and the security is enhanced to ensure his ability to communicate, but to do so effectively and to do so in a way that's protected."
So sayeth the Engadget.
And yes, if the white house goes Macs. . . actually white macs in the white house might be very suitable.