More than one isp

edited January 2009 in Science & Tech
Can you have more than one isp provider installed on your computer, obviously you would only be running one at a time and if so could they in any way conflict with each other and cause problems?


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2009
    You can have more then 1 ISP enabled at a time but there is little point for home use.

    1st to do it just get multiple ISP providers, they provide you with the accounts and then whatever account you use is which ISP you'll be using at the time. But ultimately it'll be going through your primary phone company that's creating the physical 1st point contact and that never really changes as they are the ones that own the lines.

    It's typically point less though. Usually if you have poor connectivity it's because your last mile (the line going to your house) is bad so regardless of who your ISP is that can't be fixed. If you need service you contact your ISP provider and they in turn contact the phone company that provides the line.

    Redundancy. Again no real redundcancy here unless it's your actual ISP that's going down a lot, in which case you should be changing ISP's and not dealing with redundant ones.

    Why companies may deal with multiple ISP's is because they have redundant connections ie. Multiple ways the internet is getting into their building, either multiple phone lines, T1 connections, Fiber trunks etc or combinations of both, even better if the company happens to be physically located on more then 1 grid.

    So yes you can, but no real point.
  • edited January 2009
    the reason i asked was we have talk talk here at home which is ok most of thetime, but the wife wants to be able to use her laptop when we visit her mothers and thats with homecall thats the only reason we want to know if two will work without conflict.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2009
    If you have routers at both houses she wouldn't need to do anything beyond connecting to the router.
  • edited January 2009
    router here at home but normal connection at the in laws house so will need the software
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2009
    If you are running XP or Vista you don't need software you can create the connection from in windows by adding a new internet connection and following the prompts. But you would need to know the username/password that's used in that house.
  • edited January 2009
    thats great thats what i needed to know many thanks
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