Who's in?

A few of us are planning on getting a few solid hours of instance running in tonight and figured we'd give a heads up for others who might want to join.
The current plan is to meet ~7pm Server (Eastern) and probably had to Shadowfang Keep first for a very quick run and easy xp. We'll plan subsequent runs after.
So far, Prag(32), Stain(28), and MiracleMan(22) plan on attending. Post here if you'd like to join in.
The current plan is to meet ~7pm Server (Eastern) and probably had to Shadowfang Keep first for a very quick run and easy xp. We'll plan subsequent runs after.
So far, Prag(32), Stain(28), and MiracleMan(22) plan on attending. Post here if you'd like to join in.
I'm interested in running RFD, Gnomeregan, or the deeps, or even Scarlet Monastery
I'll hop on later
In the future, I'd like to see a little more timely coordination on start time and transportation so we can get in more killing and phat lewts.
As a side note, if you feel like actually claiming any of the phat lewt on an instance run, don't bring Prime with you.
In any case, no WoW tonight for me. It's company Bowling night!
I see you've never played D&D with him!
This sir, is correct.
YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS! Speaking of which....
Don't take Prag along if you plan on running WC or rolling for anything, he wins every roll almost every time.
I learned a lot last night, and I promise to be more useful the next time out. I'm looking forward to more, though.
I don't think anything is more useful than someone counting the number of baddies we kill. It's good to know and uplifting!
Cheerleading is essential for teambuilding.