I'm with Lynx, I would have played this constantly, in fact, I almost want to play it right now, but maybe that's just because of the great remix of that song.
We might be better at rhythm games but imagine how much more interesting rhythm games might be right now if it had all started with this back on the NES
I would have played the CRAP out of this as a child
And just imagine, how much BETTER we would be at rhythm games today if this had existed.
I don't know what you're talking about. We ****in' rule at rhythm games....
We might be better at rhythm games but imagine how much more interesting rhythm games might be right now if it had all started with this back on the NES
QFT. The advancements 20 years could have added to the genre would probably have been remarkable.
Just sayin'
But I so hard fail at guitar hero.