Icrontic Year in Review Video Music
If you have hung out in IRC lately, you would know that I have hooked up with TiberiusLazarus (and possible help from UPSLynx) this year to do the Icrontic "Year in Review" Video.
We have some songs picked out for the video, but we want to make this video EpIC.
So what we would like is for you, Icrontians to post some swank music you think would be great for this video. Please post a youtube/internet link so we can check the song out.
*Also be checking the forums next week(hopefully) for the:
Icrontic Year in Review Trailer
We have some songs picked out for the video, but we want to make this video EpIC.
So what we would like is for you, Icrontians to post some swank music you think would be great for this video. Please post a youtube/internet link so we can check the song out.
*Also be checking the forums next week(hopefully) for the:
Icrontic Year in Review Trailer
Oh, dont worry some form of The Lonely Island will be in the video :thumbup
We cooked the pig in the ground, got some beer on ice
And all my rowdy friends are comin over tonight
It just so happens our pig is fried white castle
jared...are you feeling ok?
how about I luv it by Young Jeezy (nsfw language) then.
<object height="344" width="425">
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TzUCff6WAho&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>
That's what I thought
I figured you might just you short clips from songs, obviously not if you just wanted 2 or 3 songs to run the whole clip to.
If we have footage of the legendary dickboat, this would be most appropriate. thumbup
its gonna be a flash video, not powerpoint.
and last year the slides were 3 seconds each.
anyways, we'll see once we get it going. it might only be 12 minutes long.
ignore the halo part
doesnt mean we won't bring it back
That's not a possible, if you guys need anything media from me, that's a definite.
How is this being done exactly? You mentioned flash... are they stills edited into a flash video? Are you editing video/stills in something like Premiere and then exporting to flash?
Need software? Clips? encoding? Resolution formatting?
I got it all baby, just say the word.
Trailer is up, which we just did in powerpoint.
I will talk to you at ICSP.