Dual Specs, World of Warcraft

So, apparently they're going to start offering the ability to have 2 specs at once (when you hit max level). That's pretty sweet, minus the "need a lexicon of power" or the ridiculous summoning ability of that stuff...
Prot/Holy yes plz
Prot/Holy yes plz
Yup, I was everywhere from 250-400g a week, depending on what I was doing.
yea thats right, just let me double all my Retribution stats. 90% critical strike anyone?
I still read EverQuest websites, too. I haven't played that in 5 years. :P
I don't know if I'll do raid tanking, but at least some in 5 mans.
and 1000 gold
plus I see no armor set locations. so if you're a Druid have fun having your bags full of armor sets.
my bank is full of mats, waiting on the AH market