Matrix sum
Hi, if i have 2 matrix A(20x27) anb B(20x27) and i want to find this sum:
the 1st column of A with 1st of B
the 1st of A with 2nd of b
1st with 27th of b
2nd of A with 1st of B
2nd of A with 2nd of B
How can i do that?
Thank you!!
the 1st column of A with 1st of B
the 1st of A with 2nd of b
1st with 27th of b
2nd of A with 1st of B
2nd of A with 2nd of B
How can i do that?
Thank you!!
also post what you've tried so far.
for ii = 27:-1:1
for jj = 27:-1:1
Result(:,jj+(ii-1)*27) = A(:,ii) + B(:,jj);