Shortcut for Scandisk
I was wondering if someone can help me, I would like to place a shortcut icon in my system tools on the start menu for scandisk or checkdisk, I am running windows xp home and if I go to start, all programs, accessories, system tools I would like to place a shortcut for scandisk or checkdisk in there, as of now there in not one in there, can anyone help me, thank you.
Right click on the desktop, click "New >> ShortCut" and for the location, type -
defrag /f C:
(change C: to the drive letter that you want to use)
and for Checkdisk, simply do the same, but for the location, type -
chkdsk /f /x C:
(once again, change C: to the drive you want. If you just want to scan and not fix errors then leave off the /f /x. If you want to do a full scan of the drive, add /r )
If you want to do one for all your drives then you need to use a BAT file, just say if you wan't to do that as I have one set up for my machine (its just basically a list of commands).