Can I Repair XP w/ SP2 with XP SP3 Disk??
Beverly Hills, Michigan Member
Hey guys. Is it safe for me to do a repair install of xp sp3 and all current updates (except ie8) with an xp sp2 disc. I don't really want to, but I guess I could slipstream a disc with all of the updates if the first method is not safe.
EDIT: Reason for repair is to restore default fonts... using a font manager has created some font difficulties. Too many fonts = too many problems.
EDIT: Reason for repair is to restore default fonts... using a font manager has created some font difficulties. Too many fonts = too many problems.
Thanks for the help...
You can also do a manual reinstall of just the fonts
Manual WAY
With this step, you can choose what default Windows XP fonts you want to restore back to your system one by one or just all. Open Command Prompt and go to the i386 folder of your Windows XP CD-ROM. Using the “expand -r†command, copy all the missing .tt_ and .fo_ files to Windows folder.
You can also just expand a specific font.
for specific ".FON" font files
expand I:\i386\Sserife.fo_ C:\Windows\Fonts\Sserife.fon
for specific “.TTF†font files:
expand I:\i386\Arial.tt_ C:\Windows\Fonts\Arial.ttf
One new problem however...
(See attachment)
Distiller and some menus (ie... the save menu in photoshop and maybe more) are HUGE... they take up more than one of my monitors... can't even see the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons at the bottom. Attempting to drag with the resize handles is futile.