Quick Wireless Help needed!!!

Ok, I have to get the wireless networking up and running on my sisters computer before she leaves for school sometime tomorrow. I'm having a horrid time getting the thing to connect to the internet (It connects to the router fine)
It was set up on the router with cables for this past winter break, and I just now went and bought a linksys PCI wireless B adapter for her. The system is XP, so I installed it, pointed it to the drivers and it got it up and running. Decided to try and make it work on my secured network first, so I punched in the SSID, WEP, etc and it connects to the router, but it cannot connect to the internet, AIM, etc, but it did manage to get a work packet from FAH for some reason. Try reboot, running ipconfig, still no go. Decided to set the router back to default (SSID=linksys, no WEP), and again it connnects to the router, but again I cannot get it to connnect to the internet for some reason. I disabled the regular network adapter thinking that was causing the problem, but that also did not have any effect on it. the other strange thing is that the IP it is retrieving is 169.254.xxxxx or something like that, rather than the 192.168.1.xxx
Any ideas guys?? I'm about to shoot myself, wireless networks are the DEVIL
It was set up on the router with cables for this past winter break, and I just now went and bought a linksys PCI wireless B adapter for her. The system is XP, so I installed it, pointed it to the drivers and it got it up and running. Decided to try and make it work on my secured network first, so I punched in the SSID, WEP, etc and it connects to the router, but it cannot connect to the internet, AIM, etc, but it did manage to get a work packet from FAH for some reason. Try reboot, running ipconfig, still no go. Decided to set the router back to default (SSID=linksys, no WEP), and again it connnects to the router, but again I cannot get it to connnect to the internet for some reason. I disabled the regular network adapter thinking that was causing the problem, but that also did not have any effect on it. the other strange thing is that the IP it is retrieving is 169.254.xxxxx or something like that, rather than the 192.168.1.xxx
Any ideas guys?? I'm about to shoot myself, wireless networks are the DEVIL

When it can't ACTUALLY connect to the router, it connects to 169.254 IP.. It's essentially connecting to itself? I really have no clue why it does that.
Don't use the linksys network config manager.. It doesn't work on XP. Just punch in WEP, SSID, and go. I had some... Funny problems on XP though, I did the same connect job probably about 60 times before it worked right, then never stopped working again. Works wonderfully!
Prepare for frustration.
If all else fails, hard-reset the router (If its a linksys router), hold the reset button in the back until the red LED on the WAN spot blinks, and then blinks again.
Reset your SSID and WEP on the router and then go from there.
What WAP?
I am letting XP do the config stuff, and I was just about to disable that and give the linksys stuff a try. We'll try smacking the router around a bit.
169.254 is the class B subnet that the IANA has given to "autoconfig" addresses. It is designed to allow computers to be on the same network when no DHCP server is present. Any modern networking device will, given no static IP or DHCP server, assign itself a 169.254.x.x address.
Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I hooked one of my other computers up to the same equipment and network cable, and it works fine, so it is def something that got screwed on my sisters computer when I installed the Linksys stupid POS Wireless B card on my sisters stupid POS Compaq. I'm going upstairs now to beat up my dad for insisting on buying a computer from the store, rather than letting me build it. What is tech support doing for you now, idiot.......
Compaq and winXP are though, the former much more than the latter, and the latter only sometimes.
after some cussin' and hair pullin' i finally got it to work by manually assigning it an IP. if you can get it to work that way, just be sure to assign it one high enough so that other computers wont get it via DHCP if that particular computer happens to be off. i assigned her laptop, since i dont have 9 other computers, that IP is always safe.
i can check the settings on it if you need'em.