Weapons tips and guides on horde on Gears of war 2

karmicRetributekarmicRetribute Aghadrumsee, Fermanagh, Ireland!!!!
edited April 2009 in Gaming

This weapon has some distinct advantages; the chainsaw mount is possibly the most useful thing in any game I have ever played… It’s an ammo saver for start when your playing horde and ammo can be sparse. Its also nearly a foolproof way of dispatching any drone type locust who gets too close for comfort, also some drones carry lancers too and I assure you there is nothing more annoying than getting sawed by one with 3 kills left on horde just because you ditched your lancer… Its my preferred way of dispatching Sires also who are no real threat but just a needless drain on ammo and time, both of which are thin on the ground. A simple sawing an problem solved! The possibility to saw Kantuses who are within your reach I find tantalizing, nothing feels better than sawing that skinny acrobat in half! Again it’s just efficient and time saving when used properly. I normally advise that two people keep lancers in horde as two strings of automatic fire straight at the head with perfect bullets is enough to drop nearly anything big (Boomer, grinders etc.) within a clip/clip and a half, and if not it stalls them and prevents any chance of being overwhelmed, I advise that one player be assigned to keeping a constant lancer barrage if possible. It works well against maulers who normally cant be hit when sporting their shield in the cover position, however if aimed at their left foot a lancer can dispose of them, or at least wear them down significantly for the others, whereas without this you would have to attack only when the mauler charges, which leaves very little time to dispose of them, especially in a narrow corridor with no back exit. It’s an all round good weapon which is a good backup for another, more specialised weapon.


This is a great weapon for those situations where running and shooting is really your only option. For example, your being approached by an oncoming butcher, while he poses no real threat you’d still rather him out of the way, now you cant whip out the lancer and aim carefully if he’s closing in on you (aiming slows movement) because you cant back off quick enough, so change to the shotty, blind fire whilst constantly retreating and in no time you’ve got a dead butcher. Its also good for holding any sort of narrow area and I heavily advise it usage when defending a narrow spot, its quite easy to bottleneck and funnel locust into a clip of shotgun bullets. Its accuracy is minimal and therefore the blindshot is as good in my opinion as the aimed shot. This means you don’t risk exposing yourself to any enemy fire whilst holding a pillar etc. My all time favourite usage of the shotty is in shared cover situations. I’m sure we’ve all experienced this, you grab cover behind a sandbag, (be aware this only works on cover you can shoot over) and you find yourself sharing it with a drone of some sort (Drone is my term for footsoldiers) who is directly opposite you holding the same cover, now this is where I find the shotty shines… just wait for his curiosity to get the better of him… and when he peeks over it’s trigger time, * boom* That’s one drone out for the count. This weapon is godsend in times of desperation were you are being rushed by swarming locust, its guaranteed to thin out their number if you can manage a bottleneck. Also when you are caught in a one-on-one fight with a drone the classic melee, blindshoot, melee never fails.


I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve used the default pistol so little that I actually don’t know its proper name… I prefer peashooter anyway =P This weapon has no real usage over the other pistols, it’s just too weak, though it’s rate of fire is the quickest it’s not enough to compensate for its low firepower. If you’re out of ammo and have no way of retrieving any, this gun coupled with a boomshield could save your life, but as a first choice it’s a hindrance not a help. My advice to you is, risk your neck for the gorgon or boltok

Torque Bow

Ahh my favourite, terribly hard to aim, single shot, mess up the reload and you’ll scream to death as you locust buddies eat your skin during the time-lapse. But get it right and this gun in the right hands is the difference between winning and losing. A perfect reload followed by a centred headshot will kill everything but a bloodmount in one shot. Pesky grinders filling your cover with lead? Barely able to squeeze off a shot or two? Grab one of these and your problems are solved, just aim at the massive tin buckets on their head (easiest headshot in the game I think) and let one off, watch their head explode =D There’s really not much to say, just learn the perfect reload and perfect your aim and you’ll dispose of boomers, grinders, even maulers in one shot. I find the mauler the hardest, its best to put one in his foot or back while he cowers behind his shield and then let your mate finish him off. Also one shot to a flame boomer, perfect reload or not, in any place will be an instant kill thanks to their flammable tanks. REMEMBER: DO NOT USE ON DRONES OF ANY KIND!!
If its not ten foot tall and indiscernible from a bulging pile of fat do not fire your bow at it. Also it is possible if you get a perfect headshot to hit another locust behind your original target, practice this and you could start getting two-for-one. Another tactic is to fir the arrow at a wall as something approaches to get “splash damage.” I strongly advise against this as its more or less negligible damage, ergo, a waste of ammo, however if you cannot find a target and you know the bow will soon auto-fire then this is a way to turn a total waste into a possible profitable situation. Always find your target from cover before attempting to “crank” the bow, and make sure your target will not be obstructed for this duration, I also advise to “crank” the bow from cover from a few second to avoid needless damage. (blindfire but hold R, and then press L)


Again another favourite, capable of destroying a lot on lower levels of horde (20-30) and significantly damaging on the higher ones. This gun is the supreme badass gun, imagine this, your friend is getting attacked by a flameboomer, he’s getting completely fried and cant back off. You spin on the spot and fire one rocket right over his head and *BOOM* no more danger! You feel and look badass! Once the aim of this gun is matered it is possible to shoot opponents when other weapons cant, the natural dip of this guns rockets allow men on lowground to shoot over cover and obstacles and hit larger targets from a safe and far-away distance. Also on highground this weapon can be as long-range as any sniper, but again do not use on drones, save for all boomer variations. A great use for the boomshot is the “narrow corridor lottery.” A locust team spawns and file through a corridor; you reload perfectly allowing for maximum “splash damage” and fire a centred shot, destroying maybe three of the group instantly and dazing and damaging the stragglers. This is the only time I fire this weapon on drones. The boomshots aim is more or less intuitive but its highly inaccurate with a blindshot and to do so is unadvisable. Great for clearing out confined spaces and it doubled up with a friend who has a torque bow even the most intimidating locust offensive can be easily subdued. Due to the relatively low scarcity of ammo its best to try and keep tabs on boomers and allow them to get closer to your cover. I know that this goes against every bone in a serious gamers body but it’s the only way to make this gun efficient. I also advise against taking ammo boxes unless there really needed as they usually only give out one shot, allow your team-mates these but valiantly defend you boomer kills.

Boltok Pistol and Gorgon Pistol

Ok in this section im going to specify tactics that work good with these to and then go more in depth with each separately.

Tactic 1: Meatshield. I advise this with every single downed opponent if you have the time, but only on each 1<SUP>st</SUP> to 5<SUP>th</SUP> wave, you know like from wave 1 to 5, or wave 11 to 15 etc, it’s a quick way to go to the locust and cut them up, just walk recklessly toward any opposition and fire headshot after headshot, there’s no real talent involved but a steady hand and a decent positional sense. Just keep your back facing away at all times and you’ve no worries. It’s a good way to speed up waves and bring the fight to the locust, rather than placing shots from cover. Try to be as aggressive and confrontational as possible so as to utilize the meatshield properly and not waste it. Just a piece of advice, if you grow tired of the meatshield or know its approaching its end please do execute the locust, it look so goddamn cool. Also don’t forget you can still melee.

Tactic 2: Boomshield, grab this and you near enough invincible at medium to long range, similar tactics as the meatshield, just fire headshots and advance, pausing when you take damage to cower (=P) behind your shield. Used effectively and you can stifle a stream of advancing locust, its especially useful against grinders as they can easily tear you apart, whereas now your covered.

Boltok: This is an exceptionally powerful weapon, just use your secondary scope, zoom in on the heads of your enemies and release all your pent up rage, keep a slow steady rate of fire to counterbalance the strong recoil. There’s no real hints or tips for this weapon, but it can make very short work of any drones whatsoever.

Gorgon: Ok, there is one major problem with people using this weapon, everyone tries to tap really fast and let of their shots like an automatic. This is not the case, it is a semi-automatic, 8 round burst pistol with a 2 second time lapse before another burst is possible. Out of sheer frustration people have over-looked this weapon. I will help these people… =P Ok this gun holds 544 bullets I think, quite a lot for a pistol eh?? It is exceptionally powerful too, and a full clip, 4 bursts in other words, you can dispose of a flameboomer, butcher and boomer up to level 30 I think. I swear by this gun and use it over the boltok, yes I know!! Over the damn 44 magnum and shotgun baby on steroids! Just relax and adjust your aim as the guns readies itself again, appreciate the slower tempo and you’ll soon find that between this gun and the lancer you never be short on ammo or locust head to hang on your wall!

Mulcher and Mortar

Mulcher: Try and obtain one at any costs, this gun mounted on cover on highground will destroy any opposition coming your way. Its not necessary one the lowers levels, the 1s to the 6s but it will make short work of grinders, boomers, kantuses flameboomers etc, I also recommend focusing your attention on them in that specific order. Do not fire at maulers as they will duck behind their shields instantly after this first bullet makes connection, Do not use on bloodmounts either unless you have a friend who it shooting of their masks (this makes them remain stationary for 6-7 seconds) Here their speed counts for nothing and they will be quickly disposed of. Otherwise you wasting ammo. I also find that lugging this gun with you as you go and shooting from the hip will destroy drones in seconds. This is merely to be hard though and has no real tactical advantage =P Don’t forget that reloading doesn’t occur and you merely cool the gun. I advise that whilst waiting for targets you keep the gun spinning by lightly tapping R. this allows for a quicker assault and can prove the difference between life and death

Mortar: Grab, haul to cover, learn the distances and just fire accordingly. Attack the one at the back that approach you first, then focus on the closer to you, means your team wont be overpowered by reinforcements. Also learn the time elapse between firing and the mortar activating, 4-5 seconds I think. Then take the targets speed into account and work out roughly the distance they will travel during this time this will help in selecting the distance you want to fire.

Ink and Frag Grenades

Frag: Unless desperate don’t throw, just create trip mines between you and the enemy for the few stragglers that make it through your net of gunfire. Allows you to avoid being overrun. Learn you enemies routes to your cover and place them as close as you can to yourself. This also serves as an alarm system if your focus is elsewhere, for example if you place one at the door of the big house it river whilst you go upstairs and fire out the window you will be notified if you’re being attacked from behind. Use the wisely and sparingly. Tagging people in a narrow corridor while jumping forward past then is a good way to escape a dead-man situation and is a good last resort if boxed in. =D

Ink: Two uses, throw between you and an assault to create an impassable wall of death, or just throw into a crowed place. No use as trip mines as they are slow activating, though if there is more than one this can halt the 2nd and 3rds entry, quite useful.

My parting advice, master the perfect reload, it makes more difference than most people think. Do not worry about these tips till you have master that. I hope this all helps anyone


//Mod Edit: I cleaned up all the tags you had going on there. It made for a messy post. Try to minimize those in the future. Definitely appreciate the addition! :)


  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited April 2009
    I respectfully disagree with your position on the peashooter. :p

    Many a time, I'll go with nothing but the default pistol. You can fire off the full clip in under 10 seconds, and with an active reload, it's a deadly headshot machine. My full-on favorite weapon is the sniper, but the pistol is straight up deadly.
  • karmicRetributekarmicRetribute Aghadrumsee, Fermanagh, Ireland!!!!
    edited April 2009
    Snarkasm wrote:
    I respectfully disagree with your position on the peashooter. :p

    Many a time, I'll go with nothing but the default pistol. You can fire off the full clip in under 10 seconds, and with an active reload, it's a deadly headshot machine. My full-on favorite weapon is the sniper, but the pistol is straight up deadly.

    I respect that there is a man who can use this gun, you must have skill
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