Seriously though, this is going to make the internet unusable for everyone from sys admins to end users. Money makes some amazingly dumb ideas reality sometimes.
The thought of this is asinine. ICANN should be stripped of all its rights to manage such things, oh wait... that'll never happen. Talk about a cash grab. Now the rich jerk that owns will be able to screw more people out of their domain rights by making his own TLD's. Standardization is a good thing in the case of TLD's and ICANN should be dealt a swift punch in the face for this dumb idea.
I'm inclined to think this is stupid, but realize that the internet isn't just going to break. Not unless someone thinks that these sub domains are going to randomly overtake .com/.net/.org usage....
To clarify, lets think about this as follows: these days, what is the doorway to the internet? Search engines. This is going to require search engines to be good at what they already do. Very few people identify directly with www.thissite.someridiculousdomainshenanigans, they're searching Google, MSN, Yahoo!, etc and pulling up what's most popular.
Is this going to cause enthusiasts and internet power users to get a headache? Surely.
Is it going to nab ICANN a ton of cash? Probably.
Is the internet suddenly going to stop functioning and trademark laws going to suddenly stop working? Nope.
Most casual people simply don't use the internet as we do. They see the internet as Google/insert favorite search here.
Whomever registers .local will wreak havoc on active directory domains the world over.
This idea is the pinnacle of folly that will highlight all the flaws with the entire DNS system. DNS needs to go away and be replaced. These are technologies from the last century.
Having read through it again, I'd like to think they're not going to be complete idiots about it. "OH HEY, Someone wants to register .copm? Oh SURE IT HAS SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU!"
Sigh I feel for the poor saps manning the call centers for Verisign and other registrars. I used to work for them and it was a headache taking all those complaints. With this, the tomfoolery will escalate to unknown levels.
Seriously though, this is going to make the internet unusable for everyone from sys admins to end users. Money makes some amazingly dumb ideas reality sometimes.
To clarify, lets think about this as follows: these days, what is the doorway to the internet? Search engines. This is going to require search engines to be good at what they already do. Very few people identify directly with www.thissite.someridiculousdomainshenanigans, they're searching Google, MSN, Yahoo!, etc and pulling up what's most popular.
Is this going to cause enthusiasts and internet power users to get a headache? Surely.
Is it going to nab ICANN a ton of cash? Probably.
Is the internet suddenly going to stop functioning and trademark laws going to suddenly stop working? Nope.
Most casual people simply don't use the internet as we do. They see the internet as Google/insert favorite search here.
This idea is the pinnacle of folly that will highlight all the flaws with the entire DNS system. DNS needs to go away and be replaced. These are technologies from the last century.
Hmmm, it has a ring to it. ;P
Amazing what money can do eh..