3dmark 2001 SE 330
Do you have to have dx 8.1 to run 3dmark 2001? everytime i try and go into it it says sumtin bout haven to install dx 8.1 (when i already have 9.0B) and also to install the correct drivers... I have a GeForce3 ti200 with the latest forceware drives running off an Abit NF7-S v2. Thanks for you help in advanced.
My both OS installs are as dirty as Dirty Harry on a hunged day. I have only made a 1000 points increase in 3dmark so far. Nothing big to report though.
21400 in 3dmark and 53000 in Aqua so far. Lots of power left.
Baller, i am SURE it is something with the drivers that creates that message. I have messed with dx installs (uninstalls, reinstalls etc) A LOT lately and only by installing a bad set of drivers gave me that message. Download a Nvidia cleaning tool, ru nthat after you have uninstalled the drivers. Get a set of drivers that is 6 months old or so.
So it is. I assumed there was a later one from the coinsidental same error in it. Have you tried removing 3DMark2k1 entirely and then reinstalling? As at one point it optimizes everything for your card and such (at least thats what it says).