Dimage Scan Elite

edited April 2009 in Hardware

I have been scanning in a bunch of slides using the, 'minolta DIMAGE scan elite 5400,' for my step mum.

The normal utility only lets you do them one at a time, even though they are on a holder with four spaces

I've tried using the Batch utility because the normal one only lets you do them one at a time. It's pretty damn annoying because the batch scanning does them in negative colours. I've looked in setttings but I can't find anything that makes it work. :buck:

I also can't find anything in the manual about it

They didn't think this machine through


I've ended up having to do them one at a time even though they are put in groups of four. Why does the batch utility scan them in reversed colours? and also what is the point in having to put them in four at a time but only actually scanning one with the normal app?



pretty please :(

pretty please with a cherry on top:(

shut up Patrick! ;D

the attachments are images of the scanner and it's components


  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited April 2009
    anything about it in that exposure control tab?
  • edited April 2009
    I don't think so but here it is anyway
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited April 2009
    Patrick, after looking at this review, I think you've got the wrong film type selected. You may want to consider trying to download an updated version of their scanning utility, found here.

    There should be something that allows you to select between color or black and white positive or negative films. Switching the selection will fix your problem.
  • edited April 2009

    I've done it now

    Sorry, I'm pretty crap with the Dimage


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