Scheduled Gaming

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If you'd like to get a scheduled time going for IC gaming, post to the survey.
Having a server full of IC people is a lot more fun than waiting in IRC for someone to suggest a game and having the server half full, with half the players being non-IC.
EDIT: Here's the link to the Google Calendar for Icrontic Gaming (by QCH)
If you'd like to get a scheduled time going for IC gaming, post to the survey.
Having a server full of IC people is a lot more fun than waiting in IRC for someone to suggest a game and having the server half full, with half the players being non-IC.
EDIT: Here's the link to the Google Calendar for Icrontic Gaming (by QCH)
Really liked the idea to email the schedule to those who participate.
IMHO, enough of a response to justify:
Whichever comes first, really.
But I'm ok with thursday night for TF2. Friday would have been ideal, I'm almost guaranteed to have friday's off each week (that's my incentive for having been at the studio for 2 years
Schedule updated, based on feedback.
One day per game
a few day changes based on complaints for Monday/Thursday TV schedule.
got rid of 'open gaming'. Of course it's open gaming.
cleared mon and thurs out, too many people were complaining for missing their tv shows. TF2 mon->tues
Wait... TV Shows...
If a couple people "complained" meaning they changed their vote and that changed the day the majority voted for then I accept the changes. If this is not what happened, See CBs post above.
Switching days makes Canti
But Prime is right, just start screaming at people when you're trying to start a game. They'll join or they won't, schedule matters little.
I'd rather jump on, play for 90 minutes and know reshuffling my home schedule paid off with some good fragging.
vote was a tie, either day works
also, you're all whiny bitches.