Guild Stuff
Ok... so we are a couple months into this and things seem to be rolling decently, although we have a couple "drop outs" (you know who you are dammit 
Following up from this thread: this is what I come up with (adjusted for the couple I know that are different):
Kaitolainen - 66 - (Prime) - Skinning / Leatherworking
Kethark - 53 - (Prime) - Herbalism / Inscription
Eggie - 33 (wait wut?) - Tailoring
Prag - 72 - (hmmmm) - Skinning / Mining
Nicea - 72 - (Annes) - Herbalism / Alchemy
Nebelwerfer - 66 - (Tiberiuslazarus) - Tailoring / Herbalism
Satharas - 72 - (Tiberiuslazarus) - unknown at this time
Caballeros - 61 - (Nights) - Skinning / Leatherworking
Pigflipper - 32 - (ummm duh) - Skinning / Mining
Flixpinger - 74 - (see above) - Unsure
Cierra - 79 - (Fatcat) - Engineering / Mining
Myraestus - 66 - (MiracleManS) - Enchanting / ??
Oknup - 44 - (Mason) - Tailoring / Enchanting
Ownhammer - 55 - (Sledgehammer) - Mining / Jewelcrafting
Klein - 45 - (_K_) - Leatherworking / Skinning
Nevex - 75 - (Nevex, aka Seth) - Leatherworking / Skinning
ÃŽt - 73 - (Nevex, aka Seth) - Skinning / Enchanting
Ãt - 75 - (Allen, Seth's bro) - Weaponsmith / Mining (yes we have two "Its")
Fluff - 66 - (Fluff or Patty) - Unkown at this time
Hoggva - 55 - (Crazy Joe) - Blacksmithing / Mining
Aquon - 67 - (RyderOCZ) - Blacksmithing / Mining
Grumork - 63 - (RyderOCZ) - Skinning / Mining
Abraham - 66 - (Prag) - Unknown
Cuthroat - 44 - (Allen) - Enchanting / ??
Jastan - 10 - (Rexxar) - Unknown
Preacherr - 10 - (Preacher) - Unknown
Yuckynuts - 60 - (Allen) - Unknown
Muharo - 43 - (Prime) - Unknown
Phluphph - 65 - (John) - Unknown
I have included some alts in there as well, even though they may not get played as much.
PLEASE POST THE CURRENT LEVEL OF YOUR PROFESSION (those that need mats to level especially) This way we can keep the mats necessary (hopefully) available to you.
Those of you that are leveling up, if you need something... ASK.
We really do need everyone's professions (those that choose to keep up with it as they level) to be successful.
For Example, if you need some leather for tailoring/leatherworking that you can't "farm" because the area has mobs that make it difficult, hit me or another higher level skinner up and ask (in game mail or post here).
Likewise for some ore if you are a BS.
I have no trouble spending 30 - 60 min of my game time gathering a bit of ore for someone (which I may be able to do faster anyway with fast mount) to get things leveled up.
The Guild Bank:
Needs to have useful things in it. If you collect a lot of cloth/plant/whatever that someone can use for their profession (depending on level) then put some in there.
IMO, if mats are in the Guild bank for 1, maybe 2 weeks and not used, then whomever is in charge, should just sell them and deposit the money. I know everyone can't play every day/night, but those that are active surely play at least once a week. Take a little of that play time to check out the guild bank and if you know you are going to need something, take it out of there and put it in your own bank if you don't think you will use it within a weeks time.
Also, world drops - If you get a drop, check out the level requirement and armor class and then refer to the guild roster. If someone might be able to use it, consider putting it in the GB for that person and drop them a note. Person receiving the note, check out the item, if you want it.. great, if not, send a note back to the person so they can sell it.
If we all did this with 25 or 50% of the world drops that we get, then we can help make the lower level players a bit more "beefy" and they can level up even faster.
Some of this rambling may seem obvious, but I don't see it happening or maybe I am way off base about how a guild is supposed to work at this stage in the game.
We all want to be able to do End game content.. far more fun if I am doing it with friends. I have had a great time playing so far, I want to make it better for me and everyone else.
BTW, I am not ranting.. just trying to get organized

Following up from this thread: this is what I come up with (adjusted for the couple I know that are different):
Kaitolainen - 66 - (Prime) - Skinning / Leatherworking
Kethark - 53 - (Prime) - Herbalism / Inscription
Eggie - 33 (wait wut?) - Tailoring
Prag - 72 - (hmmmm) - Skinning / Mining
Nicea - 72 - (Annes) - Herbalism / Alchemy
Nebelwerfer - 66 - (Tiberiuslazarus) - Tailoring / Herbalism
Satharas - 72 - (Tiberiuslazarus) - unknown at this time
Caballeros - 61 - (Nights) - Skinning / Leatherworking
Pigflipper - 32 - (ummm duh) - Skinning / Mining
Flixpinger - 74 - (see above) - Unsure
Cierra - 79 - (Fatcat) - Engineering / Mining
Myraestus - 66 - (MiracleManS) - Enchanting / ??
Oknup - 44 - (Mason) - Tailoring / Enchanting
Ownhammer - 55 - (Sledgehammer) - Mining / Jewelcrafting
Klein - 45 - (_K_) - Leatherworking / Skinning
Nevex - 75 - (Nevex, aka Seth) - Leatherworking / Skinning
ÃŽt - 73 - (Nevex, aka Seth) - Skinning / Enchanting
Ãt - 75 - (Allen, Seth's bro) - Weaponsmith / Mining (yes we have two "Its")
Fluff - 66 - (Fluff or Patty) - Unkown at this time
Hoggva - 55 - (Crazy Joe) - Blacksmithing / Mining
Aquon - 67 - (RyderOCZ) - Blacksmithing / Mining
Grumork - 63 - (RyderOCZ) - Skinning / Mining
Abraham - 66 - (Prag) - Unknown
Cuthroat - 44 - (Allen) - Enchanting / ??
Jastan - 10 - (Rexxar) - Unknown
Preacherr - 10 - (Preacher) - Unknown
Yuckynuts - 60 - (Allen) - Unknown
Muharo - 43 - (Prime) - Unknown
Phluphph - 65 - (John) - Unknown
I have included some alts in there as well, even though they may not get played as much.
PLEASE POST THE CURRENT LEVEL OF YOUR PROFESSION (those that need mats to level especially) This way we can keep the mats necessary (hopefully) available to you.
Those of you that are leveling up, if you need something... ASK.
We really do need everyone's professions (those that choose to keep up with it as they level) to be successful.
For Example, if you need some leather for tailoring/leatherworking that you can't "farm" because the area has mobs that make it difficult, hit me or another higher level skinner up and ask (in game mail or post here).
Likewise for some ore if you are a BS.
I have no trouble spending 30 - 60 min of my game time gathering a bit of ore for someone (which I may be able to do faster anyway with fast mount) to get things leveled up.
The Guild Bank:
Needs to have useful things in it. If you collect a lot of cloth/plant/whatever that someone can use for their profession (depending on level) then put some in there.
IMO, if mats are in the Guild bank for 1, maybe 2 weeks and not used, then whomever is in charge, should just sell them and deposit the money. I know everyone can't play every day/night, but those that are active surely play at least once a week. Take a little of that play time to check out the guild bank and if you know you are going to need something, take it out of there and put it in your own bank if you don't think you will use it within a weeks time.
Also, world drops - If you get a drop, check out the level requirement and armor class and then refer to the guild roster. If someone might be able to use it, consider putting it in the GB for that person and drop them a note. Person receiving the note, check out the item, if you want it.. great, if not, send a note back to the person so they can sell it.
If we all did this with 25 or 50% of the world drops that we get, then we can help make the lower level players a bit more "beefy" and they can level up even faster.
Some of this rambling may seem obvious, but I don't see it happening or maybe I am way off base about how a guild is supposed to work at this stage in the game.
We all want to be able to do End game content.. far more fun if I am doing it with friends. I have had a great time playing so far, I want to make it better for me and everyone else.
BTW, I am not ranting.. just trying to get organized

Also, the officers have plans for the Guild Bank once we can get primesuspect to log back into the game for 10 minutes.
Tell me and I'll see if there's some kind of permission problem
We just can't promote people to Almost HMFIC.
But we got it worked out, thanks for loggin on today to get things straightened out
Account Name: PIGFLIPPER
Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation - Economy Exploitation
After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above participated in activities designed to gain an unfair advantage in the World of Warcraft economy.
WHAT THE ****?!
I've never bought or sold gold for WoW and the account had been "active" for a while, but due to school I was not playing at all for well over a month. I am extremely pissed off at Blizzard right now.
Any word yet from them??
This puts me back playing by the weekend...hopefully. I will let y'all know when I get everything completed.
Rex and I are still building our characters. I am herbs and skinning for money and he is mining and jewelcrafting. We are very low level right now. Once I get to 80, I'll gladly go whatever the guild needs.