I'm flying in this year, and I filled out the question on the eventbrite dealy, but I was wondering if or what we needed to do in terms of reserving space inside the house, and/or what we would need to bring.
Of course. Sumos would be awesome to sleep in, however I am perfectly happy finding a relatively quiet part of the basement and curling up with my blanket & pillow.
since I'm am flying, I'd rather not have to pack a pillow and sleeping bag. I am trying to come with just carry on so no wait times at the airport. If I must then that's fine.
since I'm am flying, I'd rather not have to pack a pillow and sleeping bag. I am trying to come with just carry on so no wait times at the airport. If I must then that's fine.
Plus the fun per bag charge that they charge you now. Airtran just started charging $15 for the first bag that you check. I too am trying to avoid bringing a checked bag if I can.
Plus the fun per bag charge that they charge you now. Airtran just started charging $15 for the first bag that you check. I too am trying to avoid bringing a checked bag if I can.
Please don't tease me so. I'm fragile.
this extra room is spoken for, and this tent will henceforth be known as "Sexytimes HQ"
casa de fatcat has no vacancy, as jared and I plan to add beer fridge, TV and recliner this year.
i'm assuming your not talking about sleeping on a giant sumo wrestler o,O
It's 'owns' turned upside-down.
I am disappointed that I cannot be included like last year.
We'll be called "Buff and Rough" by the time EPIC roles around!