Stardock rules. Along with Blizzard, Valve, Bioware, Bethesda Softworks and Gas Powered Games, Stardock rounds out my list of developers that will get my money <i>every</i> time.
HEY HEY! You guys wanna hear something funny/awesome? Owner and CEO of Stardock, Brad Wardell, is my first cousin. His mom, Becky, is my dad's sister. She's out here for my graduation right now
I could ask him to stop by and do an interview for sure. I don't see much of him at all, because I live in California and my family lives in Michigan. His mom is really cool though. She used to make me sweatshirts with puffy paint and iron on cat decals.
I do want to interview him; since they're local I've been thinking of hitting them up for that very reason. They have a special place in Icrontic's collective heart because of their strong and unwavering stance on DRM and gaming. They put their money where there mouth is. That's commendable and awesome.
Plus they make kickass software!
Plus they support Michigan with non-manufacturing jobs, which we SORELY need right now.
I've used ObjectDock for a while. I just bought and have been playing Demigod. It's a pretty fun game. I'll support anyone who is against DRM. Thanks, Stardock!
But yea Stardock does indeed rock!
Yeah that's right.
Hey so, if anyone wants to pick up Demigod if you buy it from Stardock you can get it 50% off with this coupon code: Coupon Code: DG-OPMC-CPJD-EIFW
Good until the 29th.
Get him to sponsor EPIC on behalf of stardock. Or set up an interview
Srsly tho, Brad Wardell is an AWESOME guy. That's really sweet. Do you ever see much of him?
Plus they make kickass software!
Plus they support Michigan with non-manufacturing jobs, which we SORELY need right now.
I'd LOVE to meet your cousin!
I use their DesktopX with the widgets along with RocketDock for a clean looking desktop.