Circuit design help - variable voltage fan controller
My ancient MB has half-assed fan speed controls on the CPU and SYS fan headers that work fine, except for one major thing: the voltages only vary from 8v to 12v. The minimum of 8v is just way too much, and especially on the SYS fans, the case temps only range from around 32c min to 36c max. A wider voltage range would let me use a wider spread between the low/high temps and make the speed changes much less noticeable. The board does not use the RPM signal from the fans, it only varies the voltage according to the low/high temp settings.
What I'd like to build is a circuit that takes the variable 8v-12v input and outputs 4v-15/18v to the fans. I have looked at lots of lists of circuit projects, but haven't found anything like this. Any suggestions on where to start?
What I'd like to build is a circuit that takes the variable 8v-12v input and outputs 4v-15/18v to the fans. I have looked at lots of lists of circuit projects, but haven't found anything like this. Any suggestions on where to start?
Or I just use a fan controller...
I have seen the Sunbeam Theta which is software controlled (you know, through the part of the computer you actually look at, the monitor...), but those are extinct. And there's the really neat mCubed stuff that's software controlled, but just cost way too much. I guess I could try going without food for a few months...
Sounds like time for a new mobo
I'm just sayin...
Since it's a S939/DDR setup that means board + CPU + memory + (probably) PSU so unless you want to loan money to somebody with no way to repay it...
I would have even considered it given my lifelong loathing of everything ASUS, thanks to this lovely A7A-266:
Excellent fan control circuit...
It isn't perfect, but it should be simple enough to either replace a resistor with a pot or use a different thermistor to get it right.
But first, I'm going to hack the fan controller in the PSU (Neo 480). Like the ebay thing, it too needs some 'adjustment' to get it in the right temp range.
The majority of Asus users seem to think the more something costs the better it is. R.I.P. Abit :shakehead