ACK! My new Video Card! Help

RWBRWB Icrontian
edited January 2004 in Hardware
The Saphire Radeon 9800 Pro does something very odd when I first put it in, and still does it(I am having to use my old card right now)...

When I put it in, I get these weird lines of random text and colors, don't know how to describe it, but it isn't right. Do I have to return it? Or is there some kind of fix? I cannot _SEE_ anything wrong with it...


  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Try it on another PC. Don't know if it's the prob, but did you connect the floppy power connector thingy?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    I don't have a floppy anymore....

    Know what sucks even more? My brand new SATA WD 120GB HDD is broke now too... I broke it by accident of course, I didn't realize how far out the SATA connector thing was and I jabbed it too hard and broke the connector off.

    I hope Newegg lets me RMA it, this sucks... so far I haven't been to impressed with this new setup. :-/
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Did you break the connector off the drive at the drive (not mobo) end? It might be an easy fix...
    Is the Sapphire a refurb or new? (I think you bought new, just checkin) What VOE was asking was if you plugged the supplementary power into the vid card...but normally you don't get any signal at all if it's not plugged in afaik.
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited January 2004
    RWB wrote:
    I don't have a floppy anymore....

    I think VOE meant that the Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro has a cable that you must use to connect it to the power supply via a 4-pin power cable. My understanding was that it was the hard drive style connector, not the floppy style connector. VOE was asking if you had connected that.

  • panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
    edited January 2004
    Does it look like this?

  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited January 2004
    I'm not impressed with SATA connectors, we have had a couple of the cable ends break her in the office when building servers. The plastic on the connectors is thin and flimsy, one has to exercise much care when working with them. IDE is much sturdier in that regard. I hope the manufacturers get so many RMA's that they take another look at the design of the connectors.

  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Dexter wrote:
    I'm not impressed with SATA connectors, we have had a couple of the cable ends break her in the office when building servers. The plastic on the connectors is thin and flimsy, one has to exercise much care when working with them. IDE is much sturdier in that regard. I hope the manufacturers get so many RMA's that they take another look at the design of the connectors.


    EGGGSACTLY! err exactly... damned thing broke off with ease... I was pissed. The plastic peice is still stuck in the SATA wiretoo.

    PANSERKW, that is not the screen, when I have the card in, things are still... "readable" however, some characters are replaced with verious different ones that flicker between other characters.

    I do have the molex connector in the Radeon, I even unplugged other devices to see if it just wasn't getting enough power, however, it still did it, and in fact it was worse(odd).
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK Member
    edited January 2004
    RWB wrote:
    PANSERKW, that is not the screen, when I have the card in, things are still... "readable" however, some characters are replaced with verious different ones that flicker between other characters.

    RWB, is tat in dos or windows or both, I had what you described in dos boot up, then it went a bit like Panzer's once booted into windows.

    If so it's f*cked. Sorry
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