For huge midnight releases like this, I'm thinking probably AMC Forum 30 Sterling Heights, as it's the biggest theater that's close to my house, all digital, and they usually do shows every 15 minutes for big ones like this. It's freaking huge.
I should be at ICHQ by tuesday. So if possible, I too would like to watch Transformers 2. BTW i never saw part wouldn't happen to have it would you?
I have the original movie on DVD. I'll try to remember to bring it in case anyone wants to watch that before. I am definitely up for watching the first one before we leave for the theater.
I volunteer to bring the Blu-Ray, except I won't be at the Icrontic Ranch until around 6 PM. On a good TV, the Blu-Ray is significantly better in sound and visual quality.
Interesting suggestion.
When Dark Knight came out they originally only had a midnight show. It sold out. So they added a 2am show. It sold out. Added a 4am show. It sold out.
Now I'm pretty sure there will be more than one midnight show for TF2. Maybe all only at midnight, but ya never know.
I think we can sweet talk our camp director into letting us off a bit earlier.
What if we're changing time zones? I've seen what time travel can do to people on Lost.......I'm scared now :cry:
4 hours of Megan Fox! My boner might not go away for a few days...
We have it.
I'll tell you; even though it's a DVD, when it is upscaled on the PS3 it looks really, really good.
I mean, if someone wants to bring the blu-ray, we can watch it at native 1080p, but... seriously, the DVD looks great.
I volunteer to bring the Blu-Ray, except I won't be at the Icrontic Ranch until around 6 PM. On a good TV, the Blu-Ray is significantly better in sound and visual quality.
In fact, I may just be willing to buy it again to ensure availability.
this is what has been mentioned jeff
AMC Forum 30 Sterling Heights