I wonder how bad it's going to be with the "spamming" of snipers vs spies. Should make for a crazy weekend PLUS Valve is making TF2 free to play from thursday evening through sunday. Servers are going to be packed 24/7 for 3 days I bet. Lucky us, right...
They released achievements for spy... still nothing new for sniper though.
Argh, Valve are master trolls!
Proof Lynx does not read my Tweets :-(
Valves Doug Lombardi confirms (More So) Spy unlockables included in Sniper Update http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/58658 #tf2
4:39 PM May 15th from web
They will both be released on Thur 05/21 (Per TF2 Blog, Changed from 05/19 on Friday when the spy showed up)
< H8! I read every tweet that hits, but I don't always hit links. Depends on if I'm at work or not.
I was curious since we haven't seen sniper achievements yet. Good to know they're both out tho, things are gonna get nasty.
Welcome to IC
Welcome new guys Ampersand & Sciz, I look forward to smackin ya with my wrench. That is if ma sentry don't get ya first!