My games look bad on my HDTV - Need Help!

edited May 2009 in Gaming
So as the title of this discussion has explained, My games like horrible on my TV.

I have a Sony 40" LCD TV 100HZ. My Xbox 360 and PS3 games look very blocky... Now I have HDMI cables for both systems but they both seem to be not running at the full potential. Some games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2 look great on it, but then other games like Riddick - Assault On Dark Athena and on Xbox, Mortal Combat Vs DC Universe just looks pathetic that I can't play it. Hell it looked better when it was on the AV cable on the other TV which is not HD or LCD...

I thought it would be the sizes like 1080p, 720p but on the PS3 if the game im playing cannot support 1080p it just goes down to 720p on which it supports on, as everyone knows. But I remember when on the Xbox I was putting it up to 1080p and I pressed A on 1080i instead and it said testing in 50HZ? Now would that possibly mean my TV is stuck in 50HZ when it should be in 100HZ? Which causing my games to look... Crapper?

Im new to HD gaming so im not exactly sure how most games appear on screen but obviously a lot better than AV. Maybe Im just paranoid and expecting high results?

But I would love some help from anyone to explain to me if there is a problem or that Riddick just sucks on consoles :p.


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