BustedByFeds has joined {IC}
Ephrata, PA
This is -B-B-F- coming at you, and letting you know im officially on the {IC} now. I look forward to many post,threads,articles from everyone.
I know how to write love letters about gadgets, but usually Apple products im very partial to Apple so you can probably expect up to date feeds on Apple like June 14th im pretty sure theres a keynote by apple.could be wrong.
anyway i love playing TF2
Fast Cars and Fast Computers
Im usually haging out with Gnomewizardd and telling him how Apple will one day take over the world.
I know how to write love letters about gadgets, but usually Apple products im very partial to Apple so you can probably expect up to date feeds on Apple like June 14th im pretty sure theres a keynote by apple.could be wrong.
anyway i love playing TF2
Fast Cars and Fast Computers
Im usually haging out with Gnomewizardd and telling him how Apple will one day take over the world.
I hope to be the Apple guru on this site one day lol..
I think i must say whats on my mind for the first couple of months, just to get my Posts up to make an image of a true Icontican, but that would not be true would it?