

I am have this virus and I can clean it. I have One care and it seems to clean it and then when i reboot it is always still there. Its messing with my machine and driving me crazy..pls help. And i assume you need my log so how do i produce one of those. I look forward to your response


  • edited May 2009
    Please note that all instructions given are customised for this computer only,
    the tools used may cause damage if used on a computer with different infections.

    If you think you have similar problems, please post a log in the HJT forum and wait for help.

    Hello and welcome to the forums

    My name is Katana and I will be helping you to remove any infection(s) that you may have.

    Please observe these rules while we work:
    1. Please Read All Instructions Carefully
    2. If you don't understand something, stop and ask! Don't keep going on.
    3. Please do not run any other tools or scans whilst I am helping you
    4. Failure to reply within 5 days will result in the topic being closed.
    5. Please continue to respond until I give you the "All Clear"
      (Just because you can't see a problem doesn't mean it isn't there)

    If you can do those few things, everything should go smoothly laechel.gif

    Please Note, your security programs may give warnings for some of the tools I will ask you to use.
    Be assured, any links I give are safe

    Download and Run RSIT
    • Please download Random's System Information Tool by random/random from here and save it to your desktop.
    • Double click on RSIT.exe to run RSIT.
    • Click Continue at the disclaimer screen.
    • Once it has finished, two logs will open:
      • log.txt will be opened maximized.
      • info.txt will be opened minimized.
    • Please post the contents of both log.txt and info.txt.
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