Fixed the graph. For some reason the graph didn't update when I put in the new processor data. The 7850 Kuma is clocked slower and runs hotter. Subtract a third of the X3 8750's performance and you'll get a good idea.
I'd take these 45nm chips over the Kuma any day of the week.
I recently purchased a Kuma 7750 for a budget build I was doing. For $59 and a free copy of "Call of Juarez" from newegg, you can't argue with it, but I will echo what Peter is saying, AMD's 45nm runs cooler, and offers a much easier overclock than the 65nm Kuma.
I am curious how these stand against the 7850 Kuma as well, but i know that can be inferred by other reviews. Any thoughts?
I'd take these 45nm chips over the Kuma any day of the week.