Will you be able to upgrade a windows 7 RC to the full retail when it comes out? Somehow I doubt that will only be $49.99, but if it were, its hard to argue with that price.
Will you be able to upgrade a windows 7 RC to the full retail when it comes out? Somehow I doubt that will only be $49.99, but if it were, its hard to argue with that price.
Cliff, the users of RC 1 have to uninstall it and start over fresh with a "pure" Win 7 build. I'm backing up the two I'm running right now as I go along. That way I won't have to worry. You may wish to do the same since RC 1 will be shutting itself down every two hours or so anyway.
My main system is back to XP Pro already until the release of the gold version.
It didn't even take me that long. Seeing that it actually ran with 512M of RAM in VirtualBox and was still smooth and responsive even with the pretty themes turned on was enough to convince me that it was better. Of course playing with it much further was what finally made me decide it was worth it to upgrade.
Will you be able to upgrade a windows 7 RC to the full retail when it comes out? Somehow I doubt that will only be $49.99, but if it were, its hard to argue with that price.
I'm wondering if we can upgrade from a Vista upgrade version? 'Cuz a Vista upgrade via the Ultimate Steal is only $65.
I'd say they're apologizing to people who bought the Vista hype...I'm fairly certain they're going to offer an XP -> 7 upgrade route.
Yea, but prepare your lube.
My main system is back to XP Pro already until the release of the gold version.
Running Windows 7 for six months tells me so.
It didn't even take me that long. Seeing that it actually ran with 512M of RAM in VirtualBox and was still smooth and responsive even with the pretty themes turned on was enough to convince me that it was better. Of course playing with it much further was what finally made me decide it was worth it to upgrade.