Next Update: Soldier?
I just wanted to point out that the most recent post on the TF2 blog ( is narrated by the soldier.
Soo... is this a hint of what is to come? They kind of did the same thing when Valve released the Jarate as a April fools joke, but there has been no explicit mention of a focus on this class.
Personally I would love a soldier update its is one of the few left that I will enjoy.
(All I really want is a damage free ability to rocket jump)
Soo... is this a hint of what is to come? They kind of did the same thing when Valve released the Jarate as a April fools joke, but there has been no explicit mention of a focus on this class.
Personally I would love a soldier update its is one of the few left that I will enjoy.
(All I really want is a damage free ability to rocket jump)
But I would still welcome a soldier update if it meant you'd STOP ROCKING MY ASS AS A HEAVY.
"THE ROCKET SHOVEL" coming to your face this summer.
Presented by _k.
Maybe they'll give engies level 2 sentries that can walk...
For Demo, I really want stickies that only blow up if people or enemy structures are near them. A lot of my favorite strategies involve tagging two or more entryways with stickies, and as soon as a single scout comes in, they all blow. Then you gotta set 'em up again. Having fine control over which ones explode would be schweet.
(And totally unnecessary, but whatever.)
Yeah the engineer will be one unhappy Texan if the soldier or demo get their update first.
Who the hell is the engineer anyway? He seems like this dumb redneck, but if that's the case, how does he have access to teleportation devices? Has anyone ever thought about that?
But let me know when Texas builds teleporters that don't end in anything even remotely resembling The Fly.
That would be nice, i do miss an AR style weapon in the game and the snipers smg just don't cut it.
the engi, should get a spy proof building, or maybe one that hurts a spy everytime they sap it. also, a super sledge, repairs sentry to full one hit, crits 50% increase, but swings slower.
The sandman was so RIDICULOUS OVERPOWERED originally. You could stun someone and then just MURDER them without them even having a chance. Now that people take less damage when stunned and the minimum range was increased, it's not as overpowered, but I'm not going to call a weapon that can temporarily negate uber "shitty." Being stunned while trying to uber someone is almost as annoying as that damn pyro compression blast.