Next Update: Soldier?

Idiot_SlayerIdiot_Slayer Member
edited July 2009 in Team Fortress 2
I just wanted to point out that the most recent post on the TF2 blog ( is narrated by the soldier.

Soo... is this a hint of what is to come? They kind of did the same thing when Valve released the Jarate as a April fools joke, but there has been no explicit mention of a focus on this class.
Personally I would love a soldier update its is one of the few left that I will enjoy.

(All I really want is a damage free ability to rocket jump)


  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Hmmm, MAYBE... it doesn't really seem to me to be 'narrated by the soldier' other than talking about grenades and things. It still seems like the same crazy-ass guy that does all the writing.

    But I would still welcome a soldier update if it meant you'd STOP ROCKING MY ASS AS A HEAVY. :)
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Myrmidon, it says the post was posted by Soldier. It is directly attributed to him.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    If this is true oh my gosh watch out for

    "THE ROCKET SHOVEL" coming to your face this summer.
    Presented by _k.
  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Buddy J wrote:
    Myrmidon, it says the post was posted by Soldier. It is directly attributed to him.

    Whoops! :D
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    While it does seem the Soldier is the next class I think it will be one or both of the remaining defensive classes to come out next. So far only one has been released while the support classes are complete and the attack classes have only the soldier left. I see them both coming out too since like the spy/sniper they are opposing classes.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Do want Demo or Engi upgrades. It's all I play anymore... aside from the occasional medic sprint for old times' sake.
  • MiracleManSMiracleManS Chambersburg, PA Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    I'm curious what they're going to do with Engi and Demo that won't make things crazy. Some of the other classes had fairly obvious updates...but these two not so much.

    Maybe they'll give engies level 2 sentries that can walk...
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Sentries that can recognize and shoot stickies and grenades as they come in unf

    For Demo, I really want stickies that only blow up if people or enemy structures are near them. A lot of my favorite strategies involve tagging two or more entryways with stickies, and as soon as a single scout comes in, they all blow. Then you gotta set 'em up again. Having fine control over which ones explode would be schweet.

    (And totally unnecessary, but whatever.)
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    For Demo, they'll probably make achievements that nerf him more.
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    his taunt kill should involve taking off his eye patch and having a laser beam shoot out of his eye for an insta kill.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    The Soldier has once again made a post on the TF2 blog. I think we can be pretty certain he's the next class update.
  • NemikanNemikan Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Winfrey wrote:
    his taunt kill should involve taking off his eye patch and having a laser beam shoot out of his eye for an insta kill.

  • DocFrazierDocFrazier Gladbrook, IA Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I am of firm standing that Engi needs much love
  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I approve of Soldier update. It's time.
  • chrisWhitechrisWhite Littleton, CO
    edited July 2009
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Sounds like a king of the hill mode is coming too.
  • MezzanineMezzanine Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    DocFrazier wrote:
    I am of firm standing that Engi needs much love

    Yeah the engineer will be one unhappy Texan if the soldier or demo get their update first.

    Who the hell is the engineer anyway? He seems like this dumb redneck, but if that's the case, how does he have access to teleportation devices? Has anyone ever thought about that?
  • NiGHTSNiGHTS San Diego Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Watch his 'meet the' video. Your opinion will change.
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    edited July 2009
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    HEY! I live in Texas. We kind of started a small company called TI and we hold the home offices for almost all phone service providers(Telecom corridor). We also gave you DLP movies and space but whatever.
  • MezzanineMezzanine Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I just have a boner for the engineer because he's some unexpected supergenius.

    But let me know when Texas builds teleporters that don't end in anything even remotely resembling The Fly.
  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Soldier......bleh, I'm expecting a rifle much like the Sniper smg but more powerful. I want them to try the Scout update again and give me something better than suicide juice and a gun that just annoys people but that's not happening. I can't wait to see what Demoman and Engineer get though. A variation on the sentry gun would be most interesting.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I enjoy the Force of Nature, but Bonk and Sandman are pretty shitty.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Canti I love you. Bwahahahah suicide juice.
  • DocFrazierDocFrazier Gladbrook, IA Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Canti wrote:
    Soldier......bleh, I'm expecting a rifle much like the Sniper smg but more powerful. I can't wait to see what Demoman and Engineer get though. A variation on the sentry gun would be most interesting.

    That would be nice, i do miss an AR style weapon in the game and the snipers smg just don't cut it.

    the engi, should get a spy proof building, or maybe one that hurts a spy everytime they sap it. also, a super sledge, repairs sentry to full one hit, crits 50% increase, but swings slower.
  • MezzanineMezzanine Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Koreish wrote:
    I enjoy the Force of Nature, but Bonk and Sandman are pretty shitty.

    The sandman was so RIDICULOUS OVERPOWERED originally. You could stun someone and then just MURDER them without them even having a chance. Now that people take less damage when stunned and the minimum range was increased, it's not as overpowered, but I'm not going to call a weapon that can temporarily negate uber "shitty." Being stunned while trying to uber someone is almost as annoying as that damn pyro compression blast.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I want to see Meet the Medic with this upcoming release.
  • QuadyTheTurnipQuadyTheTurnip Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I second this. What part? All of it. EVERYTHING.
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