Laptop keeps crashing (Revisited)

hustler07hustler07 USA Member
edited June 2009 in Hardware
Hi guys,

My Laptop may be FUBAR this time. Here is the post of what happened last I was somewhat able to get around it, but now after trying to reformat I keep get the blue screen of death. It says there is a hardware problem and that "Bad_Pool_Header" is missing or broken. This is actually the best case scenario as most of the time I try to start it and the screen stays black and shuts down the whole comp. I have tested the memory and had the same problem. I am thinking it is the motherboard because I have ruled out just about everything else the last time my comp broke. What do you guys think? Thanks in advance for the input.



  • MidnightFlairMidnightFlair Washington
    edited June 2009
    Found at this web site

    BSOD the Solution:

    Did you install Service Pack 2? Are you now suffering from the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)?. Here is the solution. I have spent 4 days hunting down the cause of my machine crashing and have finally cracked it. Maybe other people have a different cause than mine so my solution may not work for everyone.

    After installing SP2 I suffered many crashes. In particular the Screen would turn blue and display a message starting "Bad_Pool_Header". And ending with STOP: 0X000000019....

    Then my four day hunt for the cause started.

    BSOD Solution
    Basically I found two causes of the BSOD.
    Cause 1: Corrupted file or folder.
    Cause 2: Microsoft Indexing Service

    Possibly these two causes are linked.

    Solution for Cause 1
    Onen up Explore (right click the start button), and expand your directory tree, starting from the C: drive. Click on each folder in turn and see if any cause the BSOD to appear. If so, reboot, and simply attempt to copy the folder, and then delete it.

    Solution for Cause No 2
    Switch off Microsoft's indexing service. You can do this by clicking the start button, select "Run", then type "msconfig", then select the "Services" TAB, scroll down to the Indexing Service and Switch it off. Reboot your computer, and good luck - maybe it will work, It solved the problem for me.

    At first I thought I must have a third party software or hardware conflicting with SP2, but even after I had disconnected the internet, switched off all items in the startup TAB of msconfig, was still getting the BSOD. I tried surface scans, chkdsk, scan disk etc all to no avail. I tried defragmenting the disk, but the frequent crashes may have made things worse.

    I discovered the computer was now crashing after about 7.5 minutes of being switched on. It did not matter whether anyone logged in or not.

    Finally I went to msconfig (Start Run, MSCONFIG) and switched off "process System.ini files, Load System files, Load Startup Items. And the comuter stopped crashing. So then I added the item back one by one until I discovered the Microsoft Corporation Indexing Service which was causing the crash. I switched it off and switched everything else back on and AT LAST... No more BSOD
  • hustler07hustler07 USA Member
    edited June 2009
    Thanks for the info. I was not clear in my first post. Windows does not even load up most of the time. When it does, it shuts down before I can finish installing it.

    Does any one have any recommendations for computer stores that do repairs in the East Bay (California)?
  • trolltroll Windsor, Nova Scotia Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    I had an Acer 5100 that did this on an install, half way through it would shutdown.

    The problem with mine was the battery circuit was bad and pulling the I2C bus low, which was how the cooling system communicated also. The laptop didn't know when to spin up the cpu fan to full... I took the battery out, remove the short and it worked like a charm.
  • MidnightFlairMidnightFlair Washington
    edited June 2009
    If your are installing windows you can try installing it again deleting the partition you used the first time. You could also if you have one try a different install disk. I only had this issue with installing windows when it was not a legit copy.
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