im sorry for the lousy production of bead art, i sort off got lazy, but i thought i needed to get things back on track, so, im gonna start making them again as soon as i find a laboratory to work on my beads. here is so far my to-do list:
1. splashwoman-canti
2. knightman-CB
3. airman-lynx
4. ghostbuster's logo-gnomewizard
5. tom guycot- wax
6. mario mushroom- ghoosdum
p.s. im selling a life up from mega man and a heart both for only 5$!
im sorry for the lousy production of bead art, i sort off got lazy, but i thought i needed to get things back on track, so, im gonna start making them again as soon as i find a laboratory to work on my beads. here is so far my to-do list:
1. splashwoman-canti
2. knightman-CB
3. airman-lynx
4. ghostbuster's logo-gnomewizard
5. tom guycot- wax
6. mario mushroom- ghoosdum
7. snake man- canti I FORGIVE YOU
p.s. im selling a life up from mega man and a heart both for only 5$!
i ran out of black beads, and i'm currently working on getting a new bag. but, in the mean time, what am i gonna make? reply with what you want, any 8-bit game, or character, or 8-bit logo will do.
1. splashwoman-canti
2. knightman-CB
3. airman-lynx
4. ghostbuster's logo-gnomewizard
5. tom guycot- wax
6. mario mushroom- ghoosdum
p.s. im selling a life up from mega man and a heart both for only 5$!
but..but.... butttt.....but.... :sad2:
Is there a pic of the heart?
actually i lost the heart, but i can remake it? :thumbsdow
man, i really should get back to work... imona start tomorrow...:shakehead
There's an Airman for Lynx, a new Snakeman for Canti, a samus for Myrmidon, a mushroom for Ghoosdum, and a Knightman for CB