For Snark: Ah Android... I've only had my G1 since Thursday but I'm in love with it already. It's allowed me to actually be able to keep up with my Twitter and email on a daily basis which is no small task. Not to mention it gives me access to Icrontic when I'm drunk in a Denny's waiting for my pancakes.
If the XPERIA codename Rachel handset comes out and has a keyboard, I have the eerie feeling that will be my next handset. It's coded for Android, has a Snapdragon 1GHz processor, and has one gimongo screen.
Tried to talk my sister into a G1 as it was a cheaper plan and she's not yet a Mac person but we both decided the iPhone would be the best bet for her and she jumped on my plan and is loving it.
Not to mention it can run two of them at the same time.
And yet I still long for an Android phone...
Do want.