This is excellent news! I'm glad that the Obama administration is taking some steps toward net neutrality. The Telco's argument about increased cost is a load of BS too... especially since filtering traffic the way Comcast was actually adds overhead to the service. It's much easier to just cap a line at a certain bandwidth than to filter and throttle traffic depending on what service it is.
And, of course, Broadband companies (Looking at you, Comcast) will, as they always have, continue to push out FUD, even while they're raking in profits from the new subscribers in the previously under-served areas.
I wonder if the twonks at companies like that actually believe the company line they're being fed, or if they have a high suicide rate.
Personally, I can't wait for more of this to get rolled out. I won't be happy until I can get synchronous gigabit to my house for $30/month.
I wonder if the twonks at companies like that actually believe the company line they're being fed, or if they have a high suicide rate.
Personally, I can't wait for more of this to get rolled out. I won't be happy until I can get synchronous gigabit to my house for $30/month.