Drive 0,drive 1 and drive 3 not found

edited July 2009 in Hardware
i have a dell computer,whenever am booting it reaches a part where am to strike F1 to continue and F2 to go setup. Today when i tried striking the key it couldn't cotinue, it keeps on showing me a message that
Drive 0: serial ATA, SATA-0
Drive 1: Serial ATA, SATA-2
Drive 3: parallel ATA, PATA-1 (pri IDE Slave)
strike F1 to continue and F2 to go to setup. Whenever i could strike the key(F1) there could be no change, it could keep displaying the message

i tried changing the boot sequence and failed,it still kept displaying the some message
what do you think could be the problem?


  • edited July 2009
    Check the sata and power cable connections on the motherboard and disk, try again. If the problem persists, I am afraid either your disk or motherboard is damaged. You can try the SATA disks on another computer (if you have any) or you can buy one of the SATA external enclosures (like this). If the disk is working okay on the other computer or with the external enclosure only problem can be with motherboard. Good luck!
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