for not disabling adblock. I just noticed that 3 of 5 computers I regularly use were still blocking Now all of them are unblocked. I am posting to remind everyone else.
Icrontic has just about the least offensive advertising on the internet. Were we another site, we'd have huge skyscraper ads running down the unused spaces flanking the content column.
Icrontic has just about the least offensive advertising on the internet. Were we another site, we'd have huge skyscraper ads running down the unused spaces flanking the content column.
Don't forget the video ads that have 'ROLL OVER TO HEAR MORE BLAH BLAH' and you accidentally roll over and it starts playing, loudly, some BS testimonial, and you cross it out, and it shrinks back down to size, and as you attempt to return your mouse back to position you ROLL OVER IT AGAIN, and the cycle continues.
I totally agree, the ads on Icrontic are really unobtrusive 99% of the time. The only ones I loath are Kontera ads but those only show up on old articles so it's not that big of a deal.
So I used to use adblock for a while before I stopped and thought about the effect it has on all the sites I use every day who only exist because of the advertising. Once I thought about it I uninstalled it off my browsers but I'm curious what you guys think of the issue ethically.
Don't forget the video ads that have 'ROLL OVER TO HEAR MORE BLAH BLAH' and you accidentally roll over and it starts playing, loudly, some BS testimonial, and you cross it out, and it shrinks back down to size, and as you attempt to return your mouse back to position you ROLL OVER IT AGAIN, and the cycle continues.
Which, oddly enough, I happened to come across last night on this site. Didn't think to take a screenshot of it at the time, though, since I know we poo-poo them here.
I happened to come across last night on this site.
Unfortunately, we can ill-afford to completely disallow that style of expanding ad. We selectively end campaigns that are over the top, but in general they continue to be permitted.
No, I think this setup is just fine Linc, don't change it, especially when people have the option to support the site and disable it. It's not so much the nature of expanding that drives me nuts, it that I see them and I think it's a link to something relevant to the article, just catches my eye in the midst of a post.
(gotta bust it out every few years)
Don't forget the video ads that have 'ROLL OVER TO HEAR MORE BLAH BLAH' and you accidentally roll over and it starts playing, loudly, some BS testimonial, and you cross it out, and it shrinks back down to size, and as you attempt to return your mouse back to position you ROLL OVER IT AGAIN, and the cycle continues.
So I used to use adblock for a while before I stopped and thought about the effect it has on all the sites I use every day who only exist because of the advertising. Once I thought about it I uninstalled it off my browsers but I'm curious what you guys think of the issue ethically.
Which, oddly enough, I happened to come across last night on this site. Didn't think to take a screenshot of it at the time, though, since I know we poo-poo them here.