2009.07.25 "Fire" Discussion
Gladbrook, IA Icrontian
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/docfrazier/3756284212/" title="Picture 009 by Docfrazier, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2542/3756284212_83cf54e1e8.jpg" width="500" height="335" alt="Picture 009" /></a>
I liked this one too, and couldn't make up my mind.
I liked this one too, and couldn't make up my mind.
My favorite thing about mine is that the shape of the flame vaguely resembles the Icrontic "i"
I like the composition of all the others... Doc, I think I like the one in this thread a little better than the main thread, but they're both good. Pete, you're making me jealous with your Morini Zippo!
prime took this picture Oktoberfest'07
(I know off topic, I just love fire okay)