Sierra Games on Steam!
They just released the Space Quest and Kings Quest collections for Steam. I
/tie fighter... NOW
/needs more Quest for Glory

/tie fighter... NOW
/needs more Quest for Glory
Haha. I've been trying to keep myself from pushing button on them for days now.
I saw it and it took me about 30 seconds to get Space Quest. Kings Quest is next!
With these classic Sierra games to replay, and the old PS1 FF games that I finally decided to play through, it will be awhile before I need to buy any 'new' games.
just saying
I'll happily re-pay $15 to buy a game I already bought 15 years ago just for convenience factor alone. People spend more than $15 on friggin' pepsi and shit in a week.
Actually also thinking about buying this as a gift for my mother. She's becoming quite the game player in her retirement years. She loved these games when we were growing up.
Btw, just for kicks, here's the last Old School is Cool blog I did (reminds me that I need to do another). Guess which game i covered?
I actually managed to stumble across the boxed Space Quest collection in a Big Lots for six bucks about two months ago. So, of course, after gibbering madly to a friend (which he no doubt took as a sign of my complete withdrawal from sanity) I hurriedly plunked down the cash to purchase said collection. Seriously though, I found one of the best gaming steals, next to the Orange Box and the Fallout 1 & 2 pack that I bought in a Wal-mart about seven years ago for ten bucks, in a friggin' Big Lots.
*I too have been trying my hardest to abstain from buying the King's Quest collection, and the re-release of Monkey Island. It's hard, so very, very hard.
oldie but a goodie
Leisure Suit Larry Series was the bomb! I remember playing and passing it when I was 12 lolz!!