Hive file missing.......
I have a Dell Demension 2400 that I am trying to fix for a friend. The OS is XP. I get the following message: Stop: c0000218 {Registry File failure} the registry can not load the hive file...... then it goes into a physical memory dump. Then it stays in this mode. We purchased a new hard drive in an effort to discard the old one- its only 40 gigs anyway. So, when we install the new one, it gives me an option to either press F1 or F2. Either way, i can't figure out what the problem is. I am not expert, but i understand basics and I am trying to help a friend. I was thinking i could take his new hard drive and connect it to my computer via usb and install the operating system on the hard drive and then attempt to install that hard drive back on his computer. But i am not sure that would work......any suggestions, please help.......
being 40gb Its good to assume this is ide, so you'll need to check the jumpers on the drive, if the optical drive is also on the same cable, make sure one is master and the other is slave. usually the optical (DVD,cd) drive is slave. CS (cable select) could be used but not recommended.
If its then showing up in the bios when you power on (if the bios is not being displayed during post (Power On Self Test) hit esc that should clear the DELL logo from the screen. Then the jumper is still possibly set wrong.
once it shows up pop in the xp cd and it should ask you to hit a key when it detects it, enter the bios to make sure the cd drive is set to boot from.
once xp is installed copy the data from the 40gig and proceed as normal