First time playing at a card shop
So, I ponied up and went to the weekly draft at the local card shop. I use the term "local" loosely; it's 4 miles north of the airport, so it was a bit of a drive.
Turns out the weekly draft is sparsely attended; there were only 4 of us (including the clerk), so it wasn't sanctioned. However, it's was still a HELL of a lot of fun. We drafted 2010. One of the other guys was brand new too, and we all did pretty well. I only won 1/3 matches, but damn was that third one close Went into the third game at least 20 turns before he got me.
The word is that lots of people play on Tuesdays, and that it's more than likely we'd be better able to put together a 8-person draft then, so that's the new plan.
Drafted a red/green with 2 Lightning Bolts and 2 Giant Growths. Highlight: Got my Bogardan Hellkite into play in the match I won. One of the other guys apparently had all the common/uncommon he needed and split all the ones he got between me and the other new guy.
Overall, outstanding experience. I was grinning like an idiot half way home.
Turns out the weekly draft is sparsely attended; there were only 4 of us (including the clerk), so it wasn't sanctioned. However, it's was still a HELL of a lot of fun. We drafted 2010. One of the other guys was brand new too, and we all did pretty well. I only won 1/3 matches, but damn was that third one close Went into the third game at least 20 turns before he got me.
The word is that lots of people play on Tuesdays, and that it's more than likely we'd be better able to put together a 8-person draft then, so that's the new plan.
Drafted a red/green with 2 Lightning Bolts and 2 Giant Growths. Highlight: Got my Bogardan Hellkite into play in the match I won. One of the other guys apparently had all the common/uncommon he needed and split all the ones he got between me and the other new guy.
Overall, outstanding experience. I was grinning like an idiot half way home.
- Bogardan Hellkite
- Dragon Whelp
- Burst of Speed
- Prodigal Pyromancer
- Berserkers of Blood Rage
- Lightning Bolt (2)
- Goblin Piker
- Viashino Spearhunter
- Sparkmage Apprentice
Green:- Giant Growth (2)
- Entangling Vines
- Rampant Growth
- Deadly Recluse
- Regenerate (2)
- Runeclaw Bear (2)
- Centaur Courser (2) - very solid
- Mist Leopard
- Nature's Spiral
- Acidic Slime
- Howl of the Night Pack (never got it into play, but damn )
6 Mountains, 9 Forests, and I sideboarded a Naturalize against 1 of my opponents. One of the other players snagged a Shivan Dragon and then didn't draft more redUnfortunately I dabbled in blue and a couple in white before I decided on green for certain. Got the Hellkite in my opening pack, which immediately put me in red.
The other issue is that the dragon whelp is a bit weak with only 6 mountains.
You also don't seem to have enough cheap creatures. All your stuff is pretty slow but you do have some VERY nice picks! That Acidic Slime is actually pretty awesome too. In this block there are enough enchantments to make him worthwhile. Primarily entangling vines, Pacifism and arkenform (SP? its a +3/+3 green enchant), and ice cage.
Fun stuff!!! There is my deck critic. MTG FTW!
Oh and if anyone has a Yu-Gi-Oh deck I'd love to play sometime.
What's the big box? Booster box of 2010?