Cruddy HD playback on 4870HD

panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
edited August 2009 in Hardware
I'm on Windows 7, an oc'ed 4870HD, and a E8400 at 3.8GHz

For some reason I am getting cruddy HD playback. HD vids that I download and view on WMP are jittery and generally show poor FPS. Any ideas what could be causing my HD playback woes? youtube videos play better, but still not the smoothness I would expect with my system specs.

The only way I can get smooth playback on the DL'ed vids is to use VLC, and I don't like using that because it doesn't anti-aliase half as well as WMP. The vids just look shitty compared to WMP. Any help would be appreciated.


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    Windows Media Player uses the Windows Media Foundation built into Windows 7. WMF is really only decent for Blu-ray or HD-DVD.

    For a superior experience, you'll have to use a third-party player like VLC or Media Player Classic. I highly suggest installing and configuring FFDShow at the same time (uninstall any codecs you may have before doing this).
  • panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
    edited August 2009
    I'm already using VLC and FFDshow, but when I maximize the window, the video output looks like crap. Blocky edges, blocky reds, etc. FPS is good though. What would be the settings in FFDShow to fix the image quality when maximized? I don't have any other codec packs installed beyond what VLC and FFDshow install.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    Can you take a screenshot for me?
    Can you also try giving Media Player Classic a shot?

    What codec is this HD video using?
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