
Computer restarting over and over again

Hey. :) My computer restarts itself on a constant loop. I was able to interfere by stopping explorer from starting, but it is only a temporary fix as once the computer has not been used for more than 10 minutes the loop begins again. I downloaded hijackthis and will post the results. Will someone help me interpret them? Thanks so much!!!



  • edited August 2009
    Please note that all instructions given are customised for this computer only,
    the tools used may cause damage if used on a computer with different infections.

    If you think you have similar problems, please post a log in the HJT forum and wait for help.

    Hello and welcome to the forums

    My name is Katana and I will be helping you to remove any infection(s) that you may have.

    Please observe these rules while we work:
    1. Please Read All Instructions Carefully
    2. If you don't understand something, stop and ask! Don't keep going on.
    3. Please do not run any other tools or scans whilst I am helping you
    4. Failure to reply within 5 days will result in the topic being closed.
    5. Please continue to respond until I give you the "All Clear"
      (Just because you can't see a problem doesn't mean it isn't there)

    If you can do those few things, everything should go smoothly laechel.gif

    Some of the logs I request will be quite large, You may need to split them over a couple of replies.

    Please Note, your security programs may give warnings for some of the tools I will ask you to use.
    Be assured, any links I give are safe


    Have you tried starting the machine in safe mode ?

    Step 1

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

    Please download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to your desktop.

    • Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.
    • At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to
      • Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
      • and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    • then click Finish.
    • If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
    • Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan.
    • When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.
    • Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.
    • When completed, a log will open in Notepad. please copy and paste the log into your next reply
    • If requested, please reboot
      • If you accidently close it, the log file is saved here and will be named like this:
      • C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\mbam-log-date (time).txt

    Step 2

    Download and Run RSIT
    • Please download Random's System Information Tool by random/random from here and save it to your desktop.
    • Double click on RSIT.exe to run RSIT.
    • Click Continue at the disclaimer screen.
    • Once it has finished, two logs will open:
      • log.txt will be opened maximized.
      • info.txt will be opened minimized.
    • Please post the contents of both log.txt and info.txt.
      ( They can also be found in the C:\RSIT folder )

    Logs/Information to Post in Reply
    Please post the following logs/Information in your reply
    Some of the logs I request will be quite large, You may need to split them over a couple of replies.
    • MalwareBytes Log
    • RSIT Logs
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