can I join in?

edited August 2009 in Team Fortress 2
hey guys

I bought TF2 a while ago and only played it a few times, its been in a draw since. I thought about getting it out again and having a go and i know that there are quite a few on here who play.

So i was wondering if i could join? Is it a free for all? If so how do i get on? also what times do you play? (im GMT) and i have no scripts or patches, what do I need?




  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    If you haven't played recently, log in and it'll auto-download any patches if you need them.

    What's your Steam name? Or, better yet, can you link me to your Steam profile? Brian or I will invite you to the group.

    Just start friending Icrontic folks and you'll see when we start playing TF2 :) It's free; if you start playing all the time though it'd be cool to chip in to help pay for the server we maintain.
  • edited August 2009
    ok im in steam and I've got you and other IC'ers as friends, im called tttooommm10 im also on TF2... I have 35mins of patches downloading :S
  • QuadyTheTurnipQuadyTheTurnip Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    Hope to see you in game soon!
  • edited August 2009
    sorry but.. how are you supposed to join the group? ive looked in TF2 itself on 'find a server' and ive had a quick glance around steam but i cant work it out.
  • QuadyTheTurnipQuadyTheTurnip Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    There's a server IP address you can use. Icrontic is

    Go to the favourite servers tab in find servers or Steam, and click add server, then paste that in and click ok. It should add Icrontic to your favourite's list, so you can join us whenever we're in there!
  • edited August 2009
    yeah, ive got it and been on a few times. and whenever you're on = 2am-4am GMT :P
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited August 2009
    There is an Icrontic map pack around somewhere that you might want, but i dont know how current it is.
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