Kingpin owned a dreamcast, I remember how blown away I was by that thing. My brother and I just DROOLED over spec sheets before the system was released. And who could forget that analog stick. Perfection.
Still hated the majority of the controller though and the VMU was a terrible thing.
I absolutely loved the Dreamcast for all those amazing arcade ports, but that is where it failed the broad audience, it just did not deliver many titles that had the kind of at home depth that players grew accustomed to on the PSone and N64. In short the Dreamcast never had its Super Mario 64, its Ocarina of Time or its Oddworld. Shenmue sucked, Sonic never felt right in 3D and Jet Grind Radio came too late to save it, what you we were left with was some amazing arcade ports, and several solid sports titles just not enough to compete with Sony.
Ten years, wow. I sold all my Dreamcast stuff a while back and regret it, especially considering I made a killing at a Sears clearance on the games after the release of the PS2 pretty much killed Sega in retail. I picked up around twenty titles for under a hundred bucks, easily the best deal ever.
If only for the fighting games and the top down shooters, Dreamcast is worth holding on to.
The one thing that I really enjoyed about the DC was the ability to fairly easily run emulators on it. Nothing like have a CD with a few thousand NES games and an emulator to expand your game library. Not that I ever did that (having never owned a DC), but some people I lived with in college did. Fun time ensued.
Nothing else was needed.
Kingpin owned a dreamcast, I remember how blown away I was by that thing. My brother and I just DROOLED over spec sheets before the system was released. And who could forget that analog stick. Perfection.
Still hated the majority of the controller though and the VMU was a terrible thing.
Ten years, wow. I sold all my Dreamcast stuff a while back and regret it, especially considering I made a killing at a Sears clearance on the games after the release of the PS2 pretty much killed Sega in retail. I picked up around twenty titles for under a hundred bucks, easily the best deal ever.
If only for the fighting games and the top down shooters, Dreamcast is worth holding on to.
(if anyone has DC games they want to sell, i'm buying)
FUCK YES. One of the best games ever!
What about Ecco the dolphin. blaaaa hahahaha
Oh the memories